condition mean min max Immature female cone 49.7524 49.7524 49.7524 Immature male cones 51.9567 51.9567 51.9567 Cambium and expanding xylem 42.8643 42.8643 42.8643 Cambium 93.938 70.1102 133.497 Expanding xylem 43.488925 28.2221 60.5991 Expanding and mature xylem 41.2485 28.0313 62.9602 Maturing xylem 16.5588 16.5588 16.5588 Wood 58.2736 43.0763 73.4709 Bark 19.10438457142857 8.62376 27.1937 Bark, healthy 19.29044 16.7866 22.3947 S1 xylem tracheids 92.228825 87.4882 95.7057 S1 whole sections 62.2812 59.1192 63.6743 S2 ray cells 64.721 62.5222 68.5367 S2 xylem tracheids 52.922200000000004 51.783 54.1314 S2 whole sections 53.429825 51.2434 54.9019 Dead late wood 21.6359 21.6359 21.6359 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 29.9209 29.9209 29.9209 Bark, root and butt rot 20.31156 13.5997 25.5784 Vegetative shoots - needles 11.13372 9.82734 12.4401 Vegetative shoots - stem 30.0039 30.0039 30.0039 Vegetative shoots 60.8912 57.4781 64.3043 Girdled twig - stem 31.6137 31.6137 31.6137 Dried twig - needles 24.5608 24.5608 24.5608 Girdled twig - needles 15.2592 15.2592 15.2592 Needles 50.862853333333334 9.55306 92.0789 Needles - dawn 13.4178 13.4178 13.4178 Needles - later afternoon 12.3759 12.3759 12.3759 Needles - midday 13.0566 13.0566 13.0566 Needles - night 12.9677 12.9677 12.9677 Light, 1 hour 19.7643 16.4191 23.0241 Light, 3 hours 22.0628 20.592 23.6516 Light, 5 hours 22.616033333333334 18.1981 28.5501 Light, 7 hours 21.561066666666665 20.4576 23.3896 Light, 9 hours 19.114266666666666 15.0581 22.4309 Light, 13 hours 19.416533333333334 17.7794 21.9222 Light, 15 hours 22.298033333333333 20.2013 24.912 Darkness, 1 hour 21.35343333333333 19.5822 23.9211 Darkness, 3 hours 22.6341 17.4596 26.4868 Darkness, 5 hours 18.282333333333334 16.4881 21.8574 Darkness, 7 hours 25.224833333333333 23.847 26.1543 Darkness, 11 hours 19.29093333333333 12.6314 26.447 Vegetative buds 28.1539 26.1863 29.4543 Female buds 32.34676666666667 20.7172 39.3053 Male buds 42.4446 38.0317 45.213 Buds 44.2151 39.878 48.5522 Pineapple galls 56.6212 56.6212 56.6212 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 31.24887777777778 25.5239 38.1674 Somatic germinants - normal type 32.64629 27.2429 39.4889 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 39.3645 37.8022 40.4799 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 42.56276666666667 40.1607 44.3985 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 42.0644 40.3219 43.4583 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 35.0883 34.205 36.5417 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 34.76866666666667 33.0069 38.0736 Cell culture - solid medium 49.080133333333336 48.8937 49.4073 Somatic embryogenic cell line 40.44488888888889 20.6995 53.2777