condition mean min max Immature female cone 29.56 29.56 29.56 Immature male cones 10.9873 10.9873 10.9873 Cambium and expanding xylem 9.71487 9.71487 9.71487 Cambium 13.495666666666667 10.243 18.4365 Expanding xylem 5.5471200000000005 3.83787 7.37119 Expanding and mature xylem 9.175862500000001 3.56962 12.8107 Maturing xylem 11.5456 11.5456 11.5456 Wood 7.3210999999999995 7.06391 7.57829 Bark 3.9090837142857144 1.90237 6.70395 Bark, healthy 10.391034 7.32017 11.6201 S1 xylem tracheids 3.94427 2.68838 4.75286 S1 whole sections 2.8599825 1.94517 3.45484 S2 ray cells 5.53878 4.13522 7.3688 S2 xylem tracheids 3.6070425 3.23291 3.9352 S2 whole sections 1.43359575 0.869983 1.97081 Dead late wood 14.4384 14.4384 14.4384 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 16.8857 16.8857 16.8857 Bark, root and butt rot 8.85568 4.53095 12.5866 Vegetative shoots - needles 58.3071 57.9792 58.635 Vegetative shoots - stem 14.8718 14.8718 14.8718 Vegetative shoots 70.0829 68.92 71.2458 Girdled twig - stem 7.2615 7.2615 7.2615 Dried twig - needles 42.1826 42.1826 42.1826 Girdled twig - needles 69.6248 69.6248 69.6248 Needles 46.984433333333335 9.324 95.3971 Needles - dawn 66.3826 66.3826 66.3826 Needles - later afternoon 84.4587 84.4587 84.4587 Needles - midday 69.8217 69.8217 69.8217 Needles - night 85.073 85.073 85.073 Light, 1 hour 45.389633333333336 36.7588 57.0369 Light, 3 hours 38.907333333333334 35.745 43.0145 Light, 5 hours 42.61716666666667 41.2674 45.0472 Light, 7 hours 33.61666666666667 32.9517 34.7545 Light, 9 hours 34.82253333333333 28.3483 39.962 Light, 13 hours 44.08546666666667 35.4846 49.0353 Light, 15 hours 47.6758 40.8681 55.0038 Darkness, 1 hour 28.628566666666668 23.6168 32.6139 Darkness, 3 hours 40.599199999999996 30.2227 47.9163 Darkness, 5 hours 31.277433333333335 27.1516 33.4917 Darkness, 7 hours 46.66733333333333 44.8004 48.2604 Darkness, 11 hours 37.3203 27.5803 46.7215 Vegetative buds 4.196716666666667 3.74913 5.05728 Female buds 5.148366666666667 3.49039 7.15716 Male buds 8.495940000000001 7.5727 9.07214 Buds 16.2021 14.5931 17.8111 Pineapple galls 40.3425 40.3425 40.3425 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 20.364894444444445 14.1617 27.7691 Somatic germinants - normal type 18.426275 10.3417 27.5317 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 16.6002 14.9274 17.7742 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 21.152833333333334 19.5964 22.1888 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 22.355333333333334 20.3104 23.4731 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 19.6999 18.4544 21.2402 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 18.972733333333334 15.7318 23.1665 Cell culture - solid medium 27.944399999999998 24.9747 31.1806 Somatic embryogenic cell line 6.951973333333333 4.99528 10.768