condition mean min max Immature female cone 52.0287 52.0287 52.0287 Immature male cones 59.7771 59.7771 59.7771 Cambium and expanding xylem 6.564 6.564 6.564 Cambium 15.303193333333333 6.27198 28.6625 Expanding xylem 5.7557075 4.51267 7.02825 Expanding and mature xylem 3.9194575 1.83471 5.90593 Maturing xylem 4.94965 4.94965 4.94965 Wood 50.01905 33.1165 66.9216 Bark 33.878722857142854 16.8311 41.6898 Bark, healthy 102.67278 54.9973 159.758 S1 xylem tracheids 15.6029 15.273 15.9114 S1 whole sections 20.50885 20.0832 21.0767 S2 ray cells 26.701375 25.8253 27.1799 S2 xylem tracheids 17.809325 16.9821 18.6392 S2 whole sections 27.7683 26.354 29.5434 Dead late wood 2.43339 2.43339 2.43339 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 7.73787 7.73787 7.73787 Bark, root and butt rot 74.05378 26.9286 118.338 Vegetative shoots - needles 6.169385 5.5584 6.78037 Vegetative shoots - stem 33.9214 33.9214 33.9214 Vegetative shoots 46.1236 26.4295 65.8177 Girdled twig - stem 21.8176 21.8176 21.8176 Dried twig - needles 20.1302 20.1302 20.1302 Girdled twig - needles 6.77939 6.77939 6.77939 Needles 77.49429722222222 5.57419 115.195 Needles - dawn 5.04736 5.04736 5.04736 Needles - later afternoon 6.19303 6.19303 6.19303 Needles - midday 5.89085 5.89085 5.89085 Needles - night 5.97772 5.97772 5.97772 Light, 1 hour 50.1785 43.9283 59.3593 Light, 3 hours 44.42476666666667 40.0221 52.2338 Light, 5 hours 40.912733333333335 34.9516 48.5271 Light, 7 hours 37.49536666666667 34.5052 39.0419 Light, 9 hours 29.058166666666665 25.4514 33.3431 Light, 13 hours 34.783033333333336 31.7355 39.4784 Light, 15 hours 38.80886666666667 36.5031 42.3847 Darkness, 1 hour 51.4037 45.8758 57.5906 Darkness, 3 hours 50.3815 44.4745 57.6251 Darkness, 5 hours 51.811033333333334 41.7803 61.3332 Darkness, 7 hours 61.89266666666666 59.2108 65.2046 Darkness, 11 hours 26.8799 20.7405 36.714 Vegetative buds 58.97286666666667 51.0152 74.6711 Female buds 53.2249 37.7671 61.068 Male buds 60.73513333333334 52.6617 66.6132 Buds 44.8154 40.4298 49.201 Pineapple galls 40.6198 40.6198 40.6198 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 29.964316666666665 23.5976 39.6923 Somatic germinants - normal type 34.789685 25.9701 48.7141 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 45.69136666666667 42.5111 47.5005 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 55.72923333333333 55.1132 56.9326 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 61.79893333333334 59.2179 63.8736 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 41.8971 40.1288 44.7213 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 46.426566666666666 44.9907 47.3323 Cell culture - solid medium 59.5299 56.1286 61.7415 Somatic embryogenic cell line 45.42971111111111 23.3926 56.7334