condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	3.08446	3.08446	3.08446
Immature male cones	2.94805	2.94805	2.94805
Cambium and expanding xylem	1.75399	1.75399	1.75399
Cambium	3.7868433333333336	1.63156	6.40713
Expanding xylem	2.95877425	0.422047	4.69512
Expanding and mature xylem	3.5851525	2.07532	5.54712
Maturing xylem	3.84918	3.84918	3.84918
Wood	4.529764999999999	4.31034	4.74919
Bark	3.9300442857142857	1.46893	6.93469
Bark, healthy	4.346212	3.47589	5.33579
S1 xylem tracheids	3.7128575	2.82073	4.43349
S1 whole sections	2.3303475000000002	1.66194	3.21607
S2 ray cells	2.1047925	1.47739	2.70383
S2 xylem tracheids	2.4168625	1.55927	3.36312
S2 whole sections	1.5660042500000002	0.884347	2.1735
Dead late wood	1.97898	1.97898	1.97898
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	4.25164	4.25164	4.25164
Bark, root and butt rot	3.41081	2.98892	4.00175
Vegetative shoots - needles	5.35161	4.19827	6.50495
Vegetative shoots - stem	5.02336	5.02336	5.02336
Vegetative shoots	3.1922550000000003	2.97397	3.41054
Girdled twig - stem	6.43331	6.43331	6.43331
Dried twig - needles	3.33784	3.33784	3.33784
Girdled twig - needles	1.79499	1.79499	1.79499
Needles	4.469438333333334	2.37965	9.94129
Needles - dawn	6.32514	6.32514	6.32514
Needles - later afternoon	4.48762	4.48762	4.48762
Needles - midday	4.58497	4.58497	4.58497
Needles - night	3.46623	3.46623	3.46623
Light, 1 hour	7.67034	4.92867	10.373
Light, 3 hours	5.664786666666666	4.10352	6.44557
Light, 5 hours	6.296016666666667	5.48769	7.19329
Light, 7 hours	5.739773333333334	5.43496	6.29478
Light, 9 hours	4.57877	4.20809	5.14678
Light, 13 hours	4.589386666666667	4.04645	5.24662
Light, 15 hours	4.173216666666667	3.23287	5.90081
Darkness, 1 hour	5.508083333333333	4.84394	6.52539
Darkness, 3 hours	6.9397899999999995	5.65777	9.28868
Darkness, 5 hours	5.539186666666667	3.47996	6.63094
Darkness, 7 hours	8.11285	7.13015	8.69725
Darkness, 11 hours	3.88961	1.68837	5.29023
Vegetative buds	3.8051766666666667	3.42508	4.32433
Female buds	2.4292146666666667	0.805874	3.84627
Male buds	3.4875866666666666	3.26759	3.64195
Buds	5.48667	5.0509	5.92244
Pineapple galls	4.56894	4.56894	4.56894
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	1.8838737222222222	0.0	2.83296
Somatic germinants - normal type	2.0564101	0.752783	3.93922
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	4.56356	3.70474	5.30258
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	6.794876666666666	5.47543	8.94681
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	6.4278699999999995	5.52275	8.09578
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	4.0930333333333335	3.79367	4.67651
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	3.3271266666666666	2.96102	3.65388
Cell culture - solid medium	4.613016666666667	4.48296	4.87037
Somatic embryogenic cell line	4.1759522222222225	3.03896	6.2169