condition mean min max Immature female cone 166.692 166.692 166.692 Immature male cones 28.285 28.285 28.285 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.35834 2.35834 2.35834 Cambium 1.4093136666666666 0.439461 2.1778 Expanding xylem 2.36063225 0.686109 3.73911 Expanding and mature xylem 3.302701 0.636364 6.38951 Maturing xylem 0.807673 0.807673 0.807673 Wood 51.209450000000004 44.7045 57.7144 Bark 16.811811714285714 1.38486 75.5436 Bark, healthy 8.86037 3.69582 17.8654 S1 xylem tracheids 65.320625 62.1969 68.7273 S1 whole sections 25.891424999999998 24.4583 27.0474 S2 ray cells 42.9477 41.2468 44.6383 S2 xylem tracheids 47.534774999999996 46.0326 48.8649 S2 whole sections 24.537275 24.2344 24.9077 Dead late wood 1.35879 1.35879 1.35879 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.288515 0.288515 0.288515 Bark, root and butt rot 17.090546 8.401 43.2582 Vegetative shoots - needles 65.1959 64.1245 66.2673 Vegetative shoots - stem 120.62 120.62 120.62 Vegetative shoots 91.3446 84.5795 98.1097 Girdled twig - stem 68.6879 68.6879 68.6879 Dried twig - needles 4.90869 4.90869 4.90869 Girdled twig - needles 49.7829 49.7829 49.7829 Needles 116.60068333333334 49.5387 250.946 Needles - dawn 66.8963 66.8963 66.8963 Needles - later afternoon 49.5926 49.5926 49.5926 Needles - midday 59.4878 59.4878 59.4878 Needles - night 50.555 50.555 50.555 Light, 1 hour 41.74075 26.4783 57.4373 Light, 3 hours 34.593133333333334 23.1923 53.7597 Light, 5 hours 52.9021 41.8149 73.5779 Light, 7 hours 49.4851 41.0957 58.6732 Light, 9 hours 41.06496666666666 25.8128 61.1537 Light, 13 hours 39.209133333333334 31.3077 51.2448 Light, 15 hours 35.40636666666666 25.4822 42.5668 Darkness, 1 hour 27.967100000000002 26.3561 30.4034 Darkness, 3 hours 28.296233333333333 18.049 47.9838 Darkness, 5 hours 30.2272 17.278 50.5465 Darkness, 7 hours 25.177500000000002 20.3209 34.7197 Darkness, 11 hours 28.237166666666667 21.4399 38.2643 Vegetative buds 90.1083 68.6759 100.876 Female buds 112.13496666666667 75.5339 135.13 Male buds 66.8074 61.5398 70.511 Buds 103.83685 73.9997 133.674 Pineapple galls 83.892 83.892 83.892 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 39.336016666666666 21.9622 73.7213 Somatic germinants - normal type 40.216725 24.0274 73.418 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 1.1162046666666667 0.774764 1.41225 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 7.712303333333334 5.50568 8.98602 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 10.970500000000001 9.7946 11.7193 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 1.2981596666666668 0.723699 1.59325 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 2.7938 2.54098 2.92333 Cell culture - solid medium 13.707233333333333 12.106 16.3047 Somatic embryogenic cell line 8.295357777777777 3.02689 14.7472