condition mean min max Immature female cone 37.124 37.124 37.124 Immature male cones 18.982 18.982 18.982 Cambium and expanding xylem 15.1827 15.1827 15.1827 Cambium 38.793 13.3314 80.1819 Expanding xylem 27.244525 13.1739 44.3879 Expanding and mature xylem 25.193675 0.0 67.6184 Maturing xylem 5.42028 5.42028 5.42028 Wood 29.39625 23.3795 35.413 Bark 74.60082285714286 37.5649 109.734 Bark, healthy 16.92716 13.4722 20.1555 S1 xylem tracheids 118.371 100.568 135.998 S1 whole sections 66.569975 42.2818 95.9142 S2 ray cells 91.8987 73.9152 104.431 S2 xylem tracheids 79.002725 74.5153 83.7445 S2 whole sections 61.774074999999996 50.824 89.8854 Dead late wood 14.3401 14.3401 14.3401 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 50.8258 50.8258 50.8258 Bark, root and butt rot 16.94992 13.6412 19.7628 Vegetative shoots - needles 9.247205000000001 9.20652 9.28789 Vegetative shoots - stem 15.0546 15.0546 15.0546 Vegetative shoots 21.3279 18.9614 23.6944 Girdled twig - stem 13.6758 13.6758 13.6758 Dried twig - needles 13.866 13.866 13.866 Girdled twig - needles 19.4428 19.4428 19.4428 Needles 35.39908888888889 6.0962 66.5213 Needles - dawn 17.6927 17.6927 17.6927 Needles - later afternoon 11.3575 11.3575 11.3575 Needles - midday 13.8192 13.8192 13.8192 Needles - night 14.7368 14.7368 14.7368 Light, 1 hour 22.391265 6.61519 34.3731 Light, 3 hours 13.184633333333334 11.1174 14.371 Light, 5 hours 30.0227 11.658 40.0885 Light, 7 hours 21.83229 8.93497 38.1217 Light, 9 hours 17.801933333333334 10.4576 24.0505 Light, 13 hours 21.499966666666666 10.5134 31.2949 Light, 15 hours 21.136733333333332 12.1083 32.2365 Darkness, 1 hour 19.072733333333332 11.4359 30.4135 Darkness, 3 hours 13.655856666666667 6.83207 18.7007 Darkness, 5 hours 22.345266666666667 12.5595 39.6528 Darkness, 7 hours 25.750566666666668 17.0214 39.4985 Darkness, 11 hours 17.873566666666665 11.408 27.1552 Vegetative buds 31.240633333333335 16.3821 39.8344 Female buds 14.94209 9.42207 17.9878 Male buds 74.58993333333333 55.3911 89.0324 Buds 20.8049 19.5324 22.0774 Pineapple galls 29.0405 29.0405 29.0405 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 33.37029444444445 13.6829 51.9461 Somatic germinants - normal type 42.248345 18.3954 71.4498 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 58.64953333333333 49.7574 67.6976 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 74.92273333333334 67.1136 82.2733 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 61.793033333333334 58.6078 66.1925 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 66.64476666666667 56.4991 78.9219 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 56.18756666666667 52.0368 59.1376 Cell culture - solid medium 69.27199999999999 57.7863 82.6938 Somatic embryogenic cell line 39.997877777777774 12.0277 57.7317