condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	7.1058	7.1058	7.1058
Immature male cones	5.21613	5.21613	5.21613
Cambium and expanding xylem	9.86131	9.86131	9.86131
Cambium	15.982083333333334	7.14015	24.7686
Expanding xylem	10.44097	6.35801	17.0438
Expanding and mature xylem	7.22151	4.5774	12.4952
Maturing xylem	9.45804	9.45804	9.45804
Wood	18.444699999999997	15.046	21.8434
Bark	10.825404857142857	5.10774	16.6408
Bark, healthy	14.34226	11.9688	17.2213
S1 xylem tracheids	21.768125	19.7822	24.1151
S1 whole sections	16.02405	14.7724	17.2558
S2 ray cells	18.431825	17.8387	19.5138
S2 xylem tracheids	11.63495	10.6295	12.5071
S2 whole sections	15.2706	14.7137	15.914
Dead late wood	1.33372	1.33372	1.33372
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	3.5249	3.5249	3.5249
Bark, root and butt rot	12.14664	11.3268	13.6309
Vegetative shoots - needles	3.025855	2.87128	3.18043
Vegetative shoots - stem	6.16772	6.16772	6.16772
Vegetative shoots	5.606915	3.47256	7.74127
Girdled twig - stem	5.71216	5.71216	5.71216
Dried twig - needles	3.46388	3.46388	3.46388
Girdled twig - needles	1.86996	1.86996	1.86996
Needles	8.277172222222221	1.34015	12.743
Needles - dawn	2.16912	2.16912	2.16912
Needles - later afternoon	3.67578	3.67578	3.67578
Needles - midday	1.64555	1.64555	1.64555
Needles - night	2.09228	2.09228	2.09228
Light, 1 hour	8.310385	5.86614	10.9175
Light, 3 hours	7.06697	6.62587	7.44678
Light, 5 hours	8.395303333333333	6.5523	9.93095
Light, 7 hours	7.27148	6.0807	8.47067
Light, 9 hours	7.983626666666666	6.32206	9.2175
Light, 13 hours	7.7234300000000005	6.06689	8.60496
Light, 15 hours	7.72909	7.43094	8.04067
Darkness, 1 hour	9.064296666666667	7.88336	11.3485
Darkness, 3 hours	7.374813333333334	6.18029	7.97897
Darkness, 5 hours	6.602343333333334	5.38399	8.14676
Darkness, 7 hours	10.088383333333335	6.96405	12.6757
Darkness, 11 hours	6.193783333333333	4.27563	8.03607
Vegetative buds	11.908666666666667	10.797	13.7248
Female buds	10.280663333333333	6.47279	13.8402
Male buds	14.891466666666666	14.0251	16.2749
Buds	6.78763	5.36736	8.2079
Pineapple galls	5.74569	5.74569	5.74569
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	10.378846666666666	8.04977	13.1257
Somatic germinants - normal type	10.411179	5.95357	14.4304
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	8.683366666666666	8.20215	9.64417
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	13.782433333333334	12.8646	14.5159
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	13.176400000000001	12.9879	13.3388
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	10.35909	8.91467	11.3441
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	7.514686666666667	7.11898	7.73303
Cell culture - solid medium	13.363966666666666	11.6826	15.6123
Somatic embryogenic cell line	9.303086666666667	3.63563	15.6376