condition mean min max Immature female cone 8.53604 8.53604 8.53604 Immature male cones 7.79366 7.79366 7.79366 Cambium and expanding xylem 31.7693 31.7693 31.7693 Cambium 52.202933333333334 31.4181 69.5125 Expanding xylem 36.070425 26.7717 45.1163 Expanding and mature xylem 44.4322 30.6095 49.2867 Maturing xylem 23.8275 23.8275 23.8275 Wood 11.658100000000001 11.4757 11.8405 Bark 31.502894285714287 22.1539 47.385 Bark, healthy 50.763619999999996 35.9793 68.7764 S1 xylem tracheids 50.637775 48.0355 53.622 S1 whole sections 25.18395 23.5347 28.1938 S2 ray cells 38.2424 36.6678 40.6758 S2 xylem tracheids 29.324575000000003 28.6933 29.8149 S2 whole sections 27.294224999999997 25.47 28.6409 Dead late wood 41.4083 41.4083 41.4083 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 57.2621 57.2621 57.2621 Bark, root and butt rot 37.995 34.5215 42.9383 Vegetative shoots - needles 9.990915000000001 9.00313 10.9787 Vegetative shoots - stem 9.5991 9.5991 9.5991 Vegetative shoots 7.300695 5.95388 8.64751 Girdled twig - stem 7.43037 7.43037 7.43037 Dried twig - needles 18.056 18.056 18.056 Girdled twig - needles 8.76313 8.76313 8.76313 Needles 22.315079444444443 3.42901 82.2999 Needles - dawn 12.974 12.974 12.974 Needles - later afternoon 8.7887 8.7887 8.7887 Needles - midday 8.53219 8.53219 8.53219 Needles - night 10.0086 10.0086 10.0086 Light, 1 hour 45.3259 31.8113 65.8271 Light, 3 hours 31.906066666666668 30.117 33.8437 Light, 5 hours 36.300066666666666 31.0945 42.473 Light, 7 hours 30.9414 28.4379 35.1484 Light, 9 hours 25.399366666666666 19.37 28.9422 Light, 13 hours 36.8527 25.6182 50.6605 Light, 15 hours 29.99096666666667 29.2783 31.299 Darkness, 1 hour 30.494933333333332 22.5001 38.0298 Darkness, 3 hours 38.381 31.8897 46.8772 Darkness, 5 hours 35.548833333333334 31.6506 41.3157 Darkness, 7 hours 48.96906666666667 46.0538 51.9569 Darkness, 11 hours 20.842033333333333 15.8664 27.032 Vegetative buds 48.270599999999995 43.8914 51.6966 Female buds 28.29906666666667 15.9395 41.3635 Male buds 29.38 24.1349 39.6271 Buds 8.47623 6.75336 10.1991 Pineapple galls 12.9813 12.9813 12.9813 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 32.233111111111114 27.6129 37.9736 Somatic germinants - normal type 31.72217 25.0419 43.0269 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 40.2988 39.2136 41.219 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 47.1034 43.3081 49.6679 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 44.1828 43.0488 46.2678 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 40.230666666666664 38.4392 42.3805 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 36.9775 36.3637 37.4017 Cell culture - solid medium 40.586533333333335 38.8028 41.5905 Somatic embryogenic cell line 20.099003333333332 7.22803 28.299