condition mean min max Immature female cone 27.9233 27.9233 27.9233 Immature male cones 16.9547 16.9547 16.9547 Cambium and expanding xylem 128.733 128.733 128.733 Cambium 116.29283333333333 80.5215 141.498 Expanding xylem 134.5405 127.401 141.729 Expanding and mature xylem 69.82885 28.1069 118.757 Maturing xylem 161.039 161.039 161.039 Wood 47.8446 36.2696 59.4196 Bark 100.53252 61.2532 143.916 Bark, healthy 59.239940000000004 49.9397 76.7839 S1 xylem tracheids 138.00275 120.088 150.544 S1 whole sections 100.1251 81.4521 118.485 S2 ray cells 158.89975 132.411 176.49 S2 xylem tracheids 151.31275 145.232 156.025 S2 whole sections 97.57339999999999 85.748 107.733 Dead late wood 116.988 116.988 116.988 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 177.494 177.494 177.494 Bark, root and butt rot 45.65312 37.1622 50.3694 Vegetative shoots - needles 26.3072 20.9581 31.6563 Vegetative shoots - stem 25.7353 25.7353 25.7353 Vegetative shoots 17.99375 12.2247 23.7628 Girdled twig - stem 30.8592 30.8592 30.8592 Dried twig - needles 17.0664 17.0664 17.0664 Girdled twig - needles 11.8822 11.8822 11.8822 Needles 63.682922222222224 12.0502 119.457 Needles - dawn 23.5446 23.5446 23.5446 Needles - later afternoon 19.9329 19.9329 19.9329 Needles - midday 21.6549 21.6549 21.6549 Needles - night 14.7794 14.7794 14.7794 Light, 1 hour 27.493866666666666 16.6554 34.9674 Light, 3 hours 17.3716 13.9368 19.6477 Light, 5 hours 26.841866666666665 24.0201 31.6608 Light, 7 hours 23.320366666666665 18.4816 32.3636 Light, 9 hours 29.580166666666667 20.9755 41.1134 Light, 13 hours 22.2553 17.0678 30.3131 Light, 15 hours 33.13206666666667 24.2866 37.8063 Darkness, 1 hour 24.9698 19.264 28.6724 Darkness, 3 hours 32.83643333333333 18.2435 40.4398 Darkness, 5 hours 26.811466666666668 24.1577 29.8255 Darkness, 7 hours 15.291319999999999 5.69016 29.2383 Darkness, 11 hours 24.576933333333333 16.9886 30.0323 Vegetative buds 79.02293333333334 60.2411 100.257 Female buds 59.55226666666667 44.2934 75.9173 Male buds 53.529833333333336 48.6294 61.0069 Buds 50.1065 47.4651 52.7479 Pineapple galls 37.1335 37.1335 37.1335 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 47.66531666666667 24.7868 73.6354 Somatic germinants - normal type 44.292515 27.6727 78.3414 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 48.20466666666667 33.4158 61.3351 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 61.00836666666667 50.8816 68.6358 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 74.2729 70.9097 79.6332 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 43.801766666666666 42.6191 45.2384 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 54.152366666666666 48.0986 64.421 Cell culture - solid medium 66.00156666666666 49.1048 74.5111 Somatic embryogenic cell line 58.361266666666666 31.6638 75.1888