condition mean min max Immature female cone 5.63451 5.63451 5.63451 Immature male cones 3.602 3.602 3.602 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.148779 0.148779 0.148779 Cambium 0.5676836666666667 0.0 1.49016 Expanding xylem 0.130291475 0.0 0.493668 Expanding and mature xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 6.666495 4.72259 8.6104 Bark 5.509612857142857 2.84071 9.9006 Bark, healthy 10.390096 8.90338 11.4561 S1 xylem tracheids 5.864275 5.30194 6.90263 S1 whole sections 7.942387500000001 7.31617 8.57268 S2 ray cells 9.392065 8.96967 10.1311 S2 xylem tracheids 1.59914 1.32539 2.02612 S2 whole sections 9.098139999999999 8.62652 9.78824 Dead late wood 0.0792686 0.0792686 0.0792686 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bark, root and butt rot 10.419154 7.2198 14.3944 Vegetative shoots - needles 3.2809350000000004 2.95353 3.60834 Vegetative shoots - stem 5.45836 5.45836 5.45836 Vegetative shoots 3.2786049999999998 2.95608 3.60113 Girdled twig - stem 3.46421 3.46421 3.46421 Dried twig - needles 7.99403 7.99403 7.99403 Girdled twig - needles 3.42747 3.42747 3.42747 Needles 6.266033888888889 2.14659 11.1236 Needles - dawn 4.2788 4.2788 4.2788 Needles - later afternoon 3.71806 3.71806 3.71806 Needles - midday 4.13777 4.13777 4.13777 Needles - night 4.83171 4.83171 4.83171 Light, 1 hour 5.288678333333333 4.45433 5.84476 Light, 3 hours 4.820453333333333 4.54842 5.05293 Light, 5 hours 5.088496666666667 3.82476 6.55382 Light, 7 hours 5.6655299999999995 5.34197 6.0596 Light, 9 hours 4.810546666666666 4.00796 5.47448 Light, 13 hours 4.95344 4.06082 5.62222 Light, 15 hours 5.4458899999999995 4.73293 6.63781 Darkness, 1 hour 5.39023 4.82807 6.16633 Darkness, 3 hours 5.32448 4.69481 6.08934 Darkness, 5 hours 5.25849 4.46759 6.03631 Darkness, 7 hours 7.253303333333333 5.90089 8.59619 Darkness, 11 hours 3.8709366666666667 2.25427 6.07938 Vegetative buds 3.60204 3.55065 3.62981 Female buds 3.119206666666667 2.11588 3.82402 Male buds 5.742766666666667 4.37141 7.91933 Buds 5.481825000000001 5.31756 5.64609 Pineapple galls 4.22594 4.22594 4.22594 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 4.148188333333334 2.89451 5.22607 Somatic germinants - normal type 5.3642695 3.24143 8.13295 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 4.23461 4.02257 4.47785 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 4.45485 4.40134 4.4904 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 5.437986666666666 5.04495 6.00449 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 4.24984 4.18085 4.28929 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 3.383566666666667 3.21082 3.64271 Cell culture - solid medium 5.954956666666667 5.29247 6.5289 Somatic embryogenic cell line 8.539537777777777 4.10553 10.5481