condition mean min max Immature female cone 39.7797 39.7797 39.7797 Immature male cones 24.83 24.83 24.83 Cambium and expanding xylem 39.4632 39.4632 39.4632 Cambium 36.2252 32.0527 39.7449 Expanding xylem 55.165725 41.3735 65.9059 Expanding and mature xylem 34.75675 24.0982 43.4281 Maturing xylem 39.2241 39.2241 39.2241 Wood 40.08535 37.9426 42.2281 Bark 74.06576571428572 58.23 92.4929 Bark, healthy 41.22092 35.4882 50.8139 S1 xylem tracheids 60.096275 53.6035 65.3555 S1 whole sections 31.347675 28.2833 34.2434 S2 ray cells 51.062375 47.6522 53.7655 S2 xylem tracheids 46.2436 42.0355 50.6719 S2 whole sections 24.549225 21.9841 29.3242 Dead late wood 52.5906 52.5906 52.5906 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 66.1085 66.1085 66.1085 Bark, root and butt rot 36.57738 29.5034 44.0639 Vegetative shoots - needles 34.56255 33.8716 35.2535 Vegetative shoots - stem 47.4805 47.4805 47.4805 Vegetative shoots 16.6796 16.0632 17.296 Girdled twig - stem 42.3998 42.3998 42.3998 Dried twig - needles 51.3334 51.3334 51.3334 Girdled twig - needles 32.6746 32.6746 32.6746 Needles 19.988216666666666 10.0375 31.9995 Needles - dawn 39.1054 39.1054 39.1054 Needles - later afternoon 34.3796 34.3796 34.3796 Needles - midday 36.766 36.766 36.766 Needles - night 36.1578 36.1578 36.1578 Light, 1 hour 46.81988333333334 29.7239 57.4446 Light, 3 hours 50.47096666666667 38.8894 61.9159 Light, 5 hours 44.9594 36.8057 55.1762 Light, 7 hours 47.306533333333334 45.798 50.005 Light, 9 hours 45.1454 38.3329 49.1723 Light, 13 hours 49.43513333333333 42.3912 56.8126 Light, 15 hours 51.07463333333334 45.243 61.3599 Darkness, 1 hour 49.10613333333333 41.3783 54.1546 Darkness, 3 hours 51.750766666666664 42.6546 60.0355 Darkness, 5 hours 46.856433333333335 36.1769 58.3679 Darkness, 7 hours 61.557199999999995 55.9524 67.6591 Darkness, 11 hours 38.464200000000005 30.2679 48.1642 Vegetative buds 64.6532 60.44 69.6061 Female buds 55.9037 32.4204 68.1498 Male buds 41.77493333333333 34.6665 53.583 Buds 45.262100000000004 43.8112 46.713 Pineapple galls 24.3118 24.3118 24.3118 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 29.045372222222223 22.3006 35.3798 Somatic germinants - normal type 28.36595 22.4793 33.8892 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 62.918933333333335 59.4821 66.946 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 69.1081 64.5103 71.6006 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 66.88956666666667 62.5044 70.5843 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 65.441 60.902 73.2208 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 54.11246666666667 53.0859 55.7214 Cell culture - solid medium 59.582633333333334 56.9571 62.3738 Somatic embryogenic cell line 25.761644444444443 11.6621 33.873