condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	5.74703	5.74703	5.74703
Immature male cones	2.36271	2.36271	2.36271
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.885208	0.885208	0.885208
Cambium	2.0716663333333334	0.105249	4.75975
Expanding xylem	1.121974	0.206663	2.12011
Expanding and mature xylem	1.02792475	0.0	2.66341
Maturing xylem	0.0	0.0	0.0
Wood	5.876375	4.55156	7.20119
Bark	6.755510285714285	4.25952	9.2769
Bark, healthy	7.182498	6.08309	8.48867
S1 xylem tracheids	4.8019975	4.00395	5.71577
S1 whole sections	3.730095	3.19035	4.17751
S2 ray cells	6.158155000000001	5.20694	6.94936
S2 xylem tracheids	1.4828625	1.42757	1.6153
S2 whole sections	5.1973775	4.87047	5.61454
Dead late wood	1.00533	1.00533	1.00533
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	1.26629	1.26629	1.26629
Bark, root and butt rot	7.856666	5.1312	10.1016
Vegetative shoots - needles	2.6772850000000004	2.4689	2.88567
Vegetative shoots - stem	5.40502	5.40502	5.40502
Vegetative shoots	2.777585	2.35497	3.2002
Girdled twig - stem	5.30866	5.30866	5.30866
Dried twig - needles	2.80826	2.80826	2.80826
Girdled twig - needles	2.29701	2.29701	2.29701
Needles	6.533727222222222	1.44043	10.8354
Needles - dawn	1.92946	1.92946	1.92946
Needles - later afternoon	2.89657	2.89657	2.89657
Needles - midday	3.22639	3.22639	3.22639
Needles - night	3.10899	3.10899	3.10899
Light, 1 hour	6.560918333333333	4.2426	7.8769
Light, 3 hours	6.523156666666667	5.68249	7.25731
Light, 5 hours	7.004763333333334	4.95856	10.2842
Light, 7 hours	6.29464	6.00503	6.84692
Light, 9 hours	6.265653333333334	5.2949	7.60158
Light, 13 hours	6.863153333333333	5.38229	7.81269
Light, 15 hours	6.989413333333333	5.65389	7.78109
Darkness, 1 hour	7.502743333333334	6.30496	8.537
Darkness, 3 hours	6.23543	5.36181	6.94364
Darkness, 5 hours	6.465283333333333	5.68087	6.96007
Darkness, 7 hours	8.744986666666666	7.78527	9.95891
Darkness, 11 hours	6.00112	3.72728	8.17908
Vegetative buds	8.575566666666667	7.92598	9.7225
Female buds	5.8577433333333335	3.73697	7.32598
Male buds	11.808733333333333	10.2167	12.7964
Buds	4.917135	4.31089	5.52338
Pineapple galls	3.67596	3.67596	3.67596
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	6.50362	4.24768	8.21519
Somatic germinants - normal type	7.533549	4.2335	11.9188
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	6.7343166666666665	5.4012	7.96358
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	7.657183333333333	6.28468	8.97265
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	8.728963333333333	7.53028	9.44851
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	6.458296666666667	6.14768	6.64458
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	5.583	5.02486	6.69694
Cell culture - solid medium	9.758806666666667	9.19553	10.1369
Somatic embryogenic cell line	6.275668888888889	3.38327	8.89842