condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	3.07921	3.07921	3.07921
Immature male cones	2.37807	2.37807	2.37807
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.110667	0.110667	0.110667
Cambium	0.35636456666666666	0.0738957	0.638897
Expanding xylem	0.23417675	0.0	0.449987
Expanding and mature xylem	0.15053675	0.0	0.312421
Maturing xylem	0.0	0.0	0.0
Wood	3.3706699999999996	3.31952	3.42182
Bark	2.810085142857143	1.13552	4.85883
Bark, healthy	5.881294	4.35097	7.71134
S1 xylem tracheids	2.661085	2.4003	2.84084
S1 whole sections	2.2326675	1.66169	2.86286
S2 ray cells	3.924265	3.5885	4.55221
S2 xylem tracheids	1.9326225	1.7224	2.25457
S2 whole sections	2.67854	2.34623	3.13829
Dead late wood	0.117926	0.117926	0.117926
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.0	0.0	0.0
Bark, root and butt rot	6.46597	4.29628	9.84739
Vegetative shoots - needles	1.0143965	0.868813	1.15998
Vegetative shoots - stem	3.03595	3.03595	3.03595
Vegetative shoots	1.9353749999999998	1.33689	2.53386
Girdled twig - stem	1.75442	1.75442	1.75442
Dried twig - needles	1.92032	1.92032	1.92032
Girdled twig - needles	1.03927	1.03927	1.03927
Needles	3.263456833333333	0.782063	9.09478
Needles - dawn	1.12759	1.12759	1.12759
Needles - later afternoon	1.68636	1.68636	1.68636
Needles - midday	1.81591	1.81591	1.81591
Needles - night	1.73956	1.73956	1.73956
Light, 1 hour	3.6286683333333336	3.15302	4.27967
Light, 3 hours	3.53735	3.20795	3.9765
Light, 5 hours	4.236653333333333	2.81193	5.37723
Light, 7 hours	4.537483333333333	4.2769	4.75331
Light, 9 hours	4.042356666666667	3.04724	5.52091
Light, 13 hours	3.92659	3.45074	4.84487
Light, 15 hours	3.32874	3.07537	3.56685
Darkness, 1 hour	4.57499	4.16839	5.22086
Darkness, 3 hours	3.7082333333333333	3.0613	4.42797
Darkness, 5 hours	3.8978866666666665	3.22245	4.37737
Darkness, 7 hours	4.51174	3.84164	5.33014
Darkness, 11 hours	3.9670966666666665	2.71907	4.86803
Vegetative buds	6.2128499999999995	5.77565	6.87915
Female buds	4.9812899999999996	3.52545	5.83637
Male buds	5.948183333333334	5.17287	7.2259
Buds	3.44379	3.19321	3.69437
Pineapple galls	1.78514	1.78514	1.78514
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	2.5061633333333333	1.23963	3.61165
Somatic germinants - normal type	2.886562	1.69049	4.98648
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	5.916896666666666	5.27185	6.53821
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	5.429926666666667	5.03395	5.83195
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	5.81751	5.43965	6.51814
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	5.33176	5.11458	5.52632
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	4.73696	4.5236	5.0834
Cell culture - solid medium	5.7125699999999995	5.23023	6.28137
Somatic embryogenic cell line	5.342036666666667	2.08947	7.06417