condition mean min max Immature female cone 13.0011 13.0011 13.0011 Immature male cones 8.40252 8.40252 8.40252 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.922224 0.922224 0.922224 Cambium 2.6264173333333334 0.555562 5.54218 Expanding xylem 1.1573115 0.613618 2.01195 Expanding and mature xylem 0.736167 0.0 2.73368 Maturing xylem 1.62973 1.62973 1.62973 Wood 6.024965 3.45823 8.5917 Bark 5.378321428571429 1.71074 9.37326 Bark, healthy 2.14419 1.00039 3.02736 S1 xylem tracheids 1.1465485 0.3429 2.26282 S1 whole sections 0.41148125 0.0 0.826917 S2 ray cells 3.5253425 2.54236 4.72399 S2 xylem tracheids 1.11717 0.0 1.88388 S2 whole sections 1.62447475 0.627659 2.43748 Dead late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 1.94056 1.94056 1.94056 Bark, root and butt rot 2.451152 2.15018 2.81722 Vegetative shoots - needles 23.7521 20.7894 26.7148 Vegetative shoots - stem 9.5102 9.5102 9.5102 Vegetative shoots 65.23425 32.191 98.2775 Girdled twig - stem 10.7824 10.7824 10.7824 Dried twig - needles 17.5187 17.5187 17.5187 Girdled twig - needles 33.9388 33.9388 33.9388 Needles 44.82745944444444 2.01807 68.3126 Needles - dawn 34.5553 34.5553 34.5553 Needles - later afternoon 42.8335 42.8335 42.8335 Needles - midday 29.0854 29.0854 29.0854 Needles - night 39.2221 39.2221 39.2221 Light, 1 hour 20.732383333333335 13.26 31.5864 Light, 3 hours 20.037666666666667 15.3053 22.7708 Light, 5 hours 21.867666666666665 18.4349 23.8391 Light, 7 hours 17.15523333333333 14.264 21.0827 Light, 9 hours 17.2148 15.3721 20.2027 Light, 13 hours 18.588933333333333 16.981 21.0738 Light, 15 hours 19.304133333333333 14.5626 25.5156 Darkness, 1 hour 14.0942 12.3226 15.1873 Darkness, 3 hours 16.0906 14.6817 17.3846 Darkness, 5 hours 13.818766666666667 11.8853 15.4728 Darkness, 7 hours 17.401766666666667 13.8522 22.2405 Darkness, 11 hours 15.261980000000001 6.70724 19.8181 Vegetative buds 6.39672 5.48926 7.98472 Female buds 5.260883333333333 2.51818 8.05634 Male buds 7.49623 6.08024 9.42508 Buds 7.432024999999999 7.22812 7.63593 Pineapple galls 23.2845 23.2845 23.2845 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 10.931427222222222 6.69548 18.9415 Somatic germinants - normal type 15.2226435 8.32333 25.4977 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 8.339453333333333 6.99054 10.2112 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 10.73467 8.10061 12.7046 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 15.3725 12.8847 20.0986 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 12.346633333333333 10.6105 13.5212 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 13.907266666666667 13.3528 14.4614 Cell culture - solid medium 13.7545 12.0914 14.831 Somatic embryogenic cell line 3.889037888888889 0.535761 5.34156