condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	6.4782	6.4782	6.4782
Immature male cones	14.9186	14.9186	14.9186
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.366104	0.366104	0.366104
Cambium	1.1854554666666666	0.0918944	2.98426
Expanding xylem	0.5025181	0.0554654	1.09909
Expanding and mature xylem	0.7727805	0.516768	0.89153
Maturing xylem	0.678917	0.678917	0.678917
Wood	8.287305	8.00995	8.56466
Bark	4.281322	2.60655	6.71103
Bark, healthy	8.766908	6.12233	10.557
S1 xylem tracheids	2.3444925000000003	1.95236	2.78043
S1 whole sections	2.5993575	2.21754	2.92921
S2 ray cells	3.429465	3.25363	3.84152
S2 xylem tracheids	2.3489075	2.02026	2.85318
S2 whole sections	1.58415	1.08151	2.16839
Dead late wood	0.682704	0.682704	0.682704
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.0713298	0.0713298	0.0713298
Bark, root and butt rot	7.530314	6.42624	9.23923
Vegetative shoots - needles	3.734825	3.12418	4.34547
Vegetative shoots - stem	12.2461	12.2461	12.2461
Vegetative shoots	5.041315	4.52465	5.55798
Girdled twig - stem	12.7509	12.7509	12.7509
Dried twig - needles	25.7451	25.7451	25.7451
Girdled twig - needles	5.01316	5.01316	5.01316
Needles	6.700785	2.73092	24.5732
Needles - dawn	5.41936	5.41936	5.41936
Needles - later afternoon	3.96623	3.96623	3.96623
Needles - midday	5.81495	5.81495	5.81495
Needles - night	4.8861	4.8861	4.8861
Light, 1 hour	24.420966666666665	16.9957	35.4506
Light, 3 hours	23.300333333333334	18.0874	28.7545
Light, 5 hours	24.956500000000002	21.0528	28.8844
Light, 7 hours	30.46033333333333	25.365	37.8503
Light, 9 hours	26.901666666666667	21.5755	31.3748
Light, 13 hours	24.669	21.5642	29.5543
Light, 15 hours	24.9686	20.3077	30.0382
Darkness, 1 hour	29.96623333333333	26.3491	35.102
Darkness, 3 hours	27.48	22.5431	33.2622
Darkness, 5 hours	26.794166666666666	22.4453	32.6685
Darkness, 7 hours	28.514766666666667	20.5476	33.6159
Darkness, 11 hours	19.248733333333334	15.8515	23.5344
Vegetative buds	1.7860800000000001	1.52644	1.95421
Female buds	2.0067733333333333	1.0046	2.96256
Male buds	0.8090863333333334	0.519661	1.16605
Buds	8.69949	7.46644	9.93254
Pineapple galls	4.4086	4.4086	4.4086
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	3.8755983333333335	2.12026	5.04914
Somatic germinants - normal type	4.0036715	2.52728	5.80375
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	17.821766666666665	16.4008	19.0462
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	16.124933333333335	13.7714	17.5288
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	14.072466666666667	12.6761	14.9138
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	17.477266666666665	16.2369	18.9725
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	13.731233333333334	13.3896	14.4135
Cell culture - solid medium	14.596966666666667	13.1893	15.8319
Somatic embryogenic cell line	4.897313333333333	2.65857	7.62764