condition mean min max Immature female cone 15.4758 15.4758 15.4758 Immature male cones 6.39016 6.39016 6.39016 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.165208 0.165208 0.165208 Cambium 1.2508973333333333 0.0 3.30944 Expanding xylem 0.18497212500000002 0.0 0.413349 Expanding and mature xylem 0.021862275 0.0 0.0874491 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 12.041815 9.12963 14.954 Bark 9.143418857142857 5.74621 12.8121 Bark, healthy 31.42754 24.0542 42.6559 S1 xylem tracheids 0.638166 0.289546 0.925959 S1 whole sections 5.4610924999999995 5.20934 5.9254 S2 ray cells 8.0068375 6.78562 9.80894 S2 xylem tracheids 2.25458 1.90724 2.50595 S2 whole sections 6.3319275 5.25383 7.02747 Dead late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bark, root and butt rot 32.5596 25.2015 47.0519 Vegetative shoots - needles 9.00539 8.42224 9.58854 Vegetative shoots - stem 12.2861 12.2861 12.2861 Vegetative shoots 12.0791 11.1081 13.0501 Girdled twig - stem 17.5969 17.5969 17.5969 Dried twig - needles 10.0336 10.0336 10.0336 Girdled twig - needles 16.2905 16.2905 16.2905 Needles 15.413498888888888 9.72228 27.1742 Needles - dawn 11.7289 11.7289 11.7289 Needles - later afternoon 12.8391 12.8391 12.8391 Needles - midday 15.3693 15.3693 15.3693 Needles - night 12.715 12.715 12.715 Light, 1 hour 15.9399 13.4607 17.1259 Light, 3 hours 15.723233333333333 14.1941 18.1843 Light, 5 hours 16.1204 10.8302 21.8327 Light, 7 hours 15.766866666666665 13.3684 17.6576 Light, 9 hours 14.6186 13.9959 15.0479 Light, 13 hours 15.0236 14.6668 15.3105 Light, 15 hours 15.593433333333333 14.6139 16.9183 Darkness, 1 hour 19.8043 16.8605 21.5638 Darkness, 3 hours 16.857566666666667 14.5495 18.6042 Darkness, 5 hours 14.385333333333334 10.3729 17.5951 Darkness, 7 hours 17.697533333333332 16.4122 19.3867 Darkness, 11 hours 13.085166666666666 8.2606 19.5021 Vegetative buds 16.5823 14.7503 19.2553 Female buds 13.16036 8.59928 15.9685 Male buds 19.100733333333334 16.1009 24.271 Buds 14.6724 11.7796 17.5652 Pineapple galls 14.9468 14.9468 14.9468 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 8.280639444444445 6.22005 10.62 Somatic germinants - normal type 10.510795 5.00401 18.8298 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 8.009563333333334 7.70153 8.56347 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 8.785219999999999 7.65933 10.9223 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 10.52286 9.27798 11.1641 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 8.152873333333334 7.42493 8.96212 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 7.311276666666667 6.5903 8.37631 Cell culture - solid medium 10.643216666666667 9.24685 12.1043 Somatic embryogenic cell line 5.349447777777778 3.82529 7.25544