condition mean min max Immature female cone 32.6297 32.6297 32.6297 Immature male cones 15.6799 15.6799 15.6799 Cambium and expanding xylem 2.28027 2.28027 2.28027 Cambium 6.589119999999999 1.79886 14.356 Expanding xylem 1.5522835000000001 0.296114 2.62503 Expanding and mature xylem 1.69556 0.0 6.78224 Maturing xylem 2.23869 2.23869 2.23869 Wood 15.6234 15.174 16.0728 Bark 37.06254285714286 18.769 55.2016 Bark, healthy 33.976240000000004 23.8546 41.0696 S1 xylem tracheids 11.77065 11.4184 12.3747 S1 whole sections 13.569675 12.1448 17.6085 S2 ray cells 40.214425 37.6672 43.4857 S2 xylem tracheids 23.7464 23.2902 24.3337 S2 whole sections 13.40615 12.9147 14.2261 Dead late wood 7.02918 7.02918 7.02918 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 7.71138 7.71138 7.71138 Bark, root and butt rot 40.97774 27.2116 61.9679 Vegetative shoots - needles 19.8579 18.8151 20.9007 Vegetative shoots - stem 27.1324 27.1324 27.1324 Vegetative shoots 21.215 21.097 21.333 Girdled twig - stem 30.3398 30.3398 30.3398 Dried twig - needles 27.9652 27.9652 27.9652 Girdled twig - needles 22.7525 22.7525 22.7525 Needles 21.054878333333335 9.73911 36.3895 Needles - dawn 20.236 20.236 20.236 Needles - later afternoon 24.1244 24.1244 24.1244 Needles - midday 19.569 19.569 19.569 Needles - night 24.0566 24.0566 24.0566 Light, 1 hour 37.3433 27.0619 45.1587 Light, 3 hours 40.578900000000004 38.7625 43.4711 Light, 5 hours 38.732366666666664 29.1428 47.4644 Light, 7 hours 40.80473333333333 31.8071 51.4194 Light, 9 hours 38.06353333333333 35.3762 39.7691 Light, 13 hours 34.22703333333333 27.3129 47.9363 Light, 15 hours 35.77963333333334 31.4082 44.1784 Darkness, 1 hour 36.14496666666667 32.688 39.2276 Darkness, 3 hours 38.472033333333336 34.3892 42.8643 Darkness, 5 hours 30.882933333333334 27.4517 36.3456 Darkness, 7 hours 43.557566666666666 36.7503 51.5168 Darkness, 11 hours 27.672466666666665 17.9662 36.4817 Vegetative buds 13.655033333333334 11.5275 14.8252 Female buds 12.4348 10.5627 14.9373 Male buds 23.489333333333335 20.0763 25.8852 Buds 21.6241 20.5671 22.6811 Pineapple galls 23.0748 23.0748 23.0748 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 23.779683333333335 15.3638 29.9141 Somatic germinants - normal type 26.166625 19.2143 37.1726 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 58.2274 57.5215 58.5839 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 56.68536666666667 51.9471 60.8635 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 43.0613 41.0501 45.6856 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 60.324333333333335 56.9223 65.7499 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 44.0691 41.7846 45.6636 Cell culture - solid medium 40.262233333333334 38.9024 41.9438 Somatic embryogenic cell line 25.365682222222222 9.77764 30.9222