condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	24.2947	24.2947	24.2947
Immature male cones	16.413	16.413	16.413
Cambium and expanding xylem	10.5268	10.5268	10.5268
Cambium	24.145166666666665	12.8736	43.1551
Expanding xylem	7.958685	6.00841	10.8592
Expanding and mature xylem	4.7793975	0.0	9.15272
Maturing xylem	3.36481	3.36481	3.36481
Wood	21.1347	21.0174	21.252
Bark	21.029108571428573	10.8326	30.381
Bark, healthy	9.781428	9.10488	10.509
S1 xylem tracheids	5.636075	2.57432	8.56947
S1 whole sections	14.554275	10.9754	19.2982
S2 ray cells	20.63925	19.0517	21.6601
S2 xylem tracheids	22.450925	19.9496	25.0042
S2 whole sections	10.33438	8.08802	14.9953
Dead late wood	6.45643	6.45643	6.45643
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	9.22943	9.22943	9.22943
Bark, root and butt rot	13.02674	10.5213	15.4955
Vegetative shoots - needles	18.80975	17.0913	20.5282
Vegetative shoots - stem	19.4194	19.4194	19.4194
Vegetative shoots	18.73475	16.8103	20.6592
Girdled twig - stem	16.2516	16.2516	16.2516
Dried twig - needles	21.2399	21.2399	21.2399
Girdled twig - needles	21.3376	21.3376	21.3376
Needles	16.120922222222223	10.0401	29.2569
Needles - dawn	13.2765	13.2765	13.2765
Needles - later afternoon	22.1587	22.1587	22.1587
Needles - midday	15.3192	15.3192	15.3192
Needles - night	19.3858	19.3858	19.3858
Light, 1 hour	30.35025	19.9463	37.5424
Light, 3 hours	30.930866666666667	28.2631	34.5926
Light, 5 hours	31.371699999999997	24.4682	35.8728
Light, 7 hours	32.178266666666666	26.8922	37.6381
Light, 9 hours	28.76086666666667	26.37	31.8411
Light, 13 hours	31.729833333333335	30.1854	33.304
Light, 15 hours	33.504266666666666	26.3892	41.1935
Darkness, 1 hour	34.5966	31.1964	39.4637
Darkness, 3 hours	29.5264	22.4179	35.6565
Darkness, 5 hours	30.717533333333332	27.6227	33.303
Darkness, 7 hours	32.3288	24.823	38.6098
Darkness, 11 hours	21.158133333333332	11.573	25.9668
Vegetative buds	18.439433333333334	15.8386	20.1088
Female buds	14.882333333333333	12.9515	15.9206
Male buds	15.393466666666667	15.1048	15.6371
Buds	17.38445	15.19	19.5789
Pineapple galls	24.4663	24.4663	24.4663
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	19.224138888888888	14.3376	25.6634
Somatic germinants - normal type	19.98461	11.2412	26.3587
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	55.09283333333333	50.4851	61.2113
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	62.7475	57.5985	69.0712
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	62.404333333333334	60.4805	63.3762
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	54.74463333333333	52.368	58.386
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	49.6828	39.0625	58.7459
Cell culture - solid medium	56.92583333333333	51.8779	62.5282
Somatic embryogenic cell line	29.997466666666668	15.9998	36.5919