condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	22.1785	22.1785	22.1785
Immature male cones	8.88828	8.88828	8.88828
Cambium and expanding xylem	9.69442	9.69442	9.69442
Cambium	13.287333333333333	12.0834	14.6002
Expanding xylem	9.13993	1.46872	16.8496
Expanding and mature xylem	5.5683025	0.0	14.946
Maturing xylem	9.72912	9.72912	9.72912
Wood	12.100625	8.89475	15.3065
Bark	8.170134285714285	2.06108	20.8877
Bark, healthy	3.4205579999999998	2.10277	4.07995
S1 xylem tracheids	4.2646275	3.21987	4.90838
S1 whole sections	2.776055	0.96584	3.44217
S2 ray cells	6.52613	5.44404	7.02243
S2 xylem tracheids	2.58688	2.17851	3.31355
S2 whole sections	3.532375	2.21519	4.39863
Dead late wood	10.8468	10.8468	10.8468
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	6.0442	6.0442	6.0442
Bark, root and butt rot	3.234662	1.8417	4.9554
Vegetative shoots - needles	14.142400000000002	9.6041	18.6807
Vegetative shoots - stem	10.6807	10.6807	10.6807
Vegetative shoots	24.74055	20.7168	28.7643
Girdled twig - stem	7.68435	7.68435	7.68435
Dried twig - needles	43.2846	43.2846	43.2846
Girdled twig - needles	14.0354	14.0354	14.0354
Needles	14.756774444444444	2.3108	25.1106
Needles - dawn	11.8958	11.8958	11.8958
Needles - later afternoon	11.4241	11.4241	11.4241
Needles - midday	7.90877	7.90877	7.90877
Needles - night	13.9926	13.9926	13.9926
Light, 1 hour	14.602183333333333	11.5772	17.2809
Light, 3 hours	12.44541	9.83293	17.2493
Light, 5 hours	11.53065	9.38565	14.2887
Light, 7 hours	14.665966666666668	11.5036	18.5484
Light, 9 hours	11.753803333333334	8.16121	16.0392
Light, 13 hours	15.5156	9.9169	19.9649
Light, 15 hours	15.413366666666667	12.4441	17.4169
Darkness, 1 hour	15.2444	13.6846	17.0581
Darkness, 3 hours	16.1359	9.6364	25.1751
Darkness, 5 hours	13.724766666666667	11.6355	15.4245
Darkness, 7 hours	11.835723333333334	8.85577	13.348
Darkness, 11 hours	8.061713333333334	6.65895	10.1071
Vegetative buds	4.838993333333334	4.11954	5.85393
Female buds	2.5938733333333333	2.20593	3.27551
Male buds	7.65165	5.13562	9.17375
Buds	12.530100000000001	12.162	12.8982
Pineapple galls	22.8902	22.8902	22.8902
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	15.278894444444445	7.4753	20.1272
Somatic germinants - normal type	17.47244	10.6556	25.6326
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	9.369373333333334	7.44451	10.9558
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	8.450806666666667	7.09614	10.8368
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	11.395866666666667	10.4334	12.8361
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	6.218206666666666	3.41362	8.52807
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	9.221066666666667	6.16153	11.7766
Cell culture - solid medium	21.468266666666665	17.7167	25.2896
Somatic embryogenic cell line	14.694031111111112	4.0675	31.2848