condition mean min max Immature female cone 20.8132 20.8132 20.8132 Immature male cones 6.4296 6.4296 6.4296 Cambium and expanding xylem 90.0125 90.0125 90.0125 Cambium 127.69723333333333 45.8133 256.733 Expanding xylem 125.29499999999999 76.836 161.48 Expanding and mature xylem 120.05744999999999 49.5042 227.011 Maturing xylem 332.921 332.921 332.921 Wood 10.77323 8.61186 12.9346 Bark 107.61770571428572 41.0875 209.771 Bark, healthy 63.64566 46.592 76.6995 S1 xylem tracheids 81.80137500000001 77.329 84.3661 S1 whole sections 120.05175 112.318 129.764 S2 ray cells 173.81 161.976 185.019 S2 xylem tracheids 344.3425 333.257 353.719 S2 whole sections 131.26375 114.972 147.32 Dead late wood 197.678 197.678 197.678 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 262.554 262.554 262.554 Bark, root and butt rot 52.5832 34.8653 66.8131 Vegetative shoots - needles 13.733665 9.64773 17.8196 Vegetative shoots - stem 21.2625 21.2625 21.2625 Vegetative shoots 14.520890000000001 9.54218 19.4996 Girdled twig - stem 15.5644 15.5644 15.5644 Dried twig - needles 16.6234 16.6234 16.6234 Girdled twig - needles 7.90282 7.90282 7.90282 Needles 96.40591388888889 7.92925 230.373 Needles - dawn 7.37584 7.37584 7.37584 Needles - later afternoon 4.78738 4.78738 4.78738 Needles - midday 8.52955 8.52955 8.52955 Needles - night 8.87406 8.87406 8.87406 Light, 1 hour 117.71558333333334 85.6445 136.55 Light, 3 hours 108.24040000000001 71.2082 131.548 Light, 5 hours 135.30733333333333 126.373 150.379 Light, 7 hours 150.804 109.76 175.075 Light, 9 hours 124.65100000000001 100.126 155.621 Light, 13 hours 109.3065 92.4505 127.249 Light, 15 hours 117.12613333333333 73.0184 153.117 Darkness, 1 hour 128.02116666666666 97.7865 143.139 Darkness, 3 hours 116.38553333333333 95.9606 130.909 Darkness, 5 hours 141.69666666666666 111.175 168.706 Darkness, 7 hours 154.10033333333334 113.43 176.494 Darkness, 11 hours 111.91926666666666 70.0692 175.47 Vegetative buds 56.42936666666667 32.1057 80.3982 Female buds 51.028333333333336 21.2763 83.4043 Male buds 17.027833333333334 16.0818 17.5193 Buds 13.3662 11.2611 15.4713 Pineapple galls 31.7394 31.7394 31.7394 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 65.79671666666667 52.0416 90.2669 Somatic germinants - normal type 69.934065 40.2409 98.0151 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 31.305966666666666 28.2502 35.9275 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 48.0134 47.2305 49.0954 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 38.08296666666667 36.6045 39.9594 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 27.130733333333332 25.0227 30.7795 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 29.7901 26.6586 31.7671 Cell culture - solid medium 69.17423333333333 62.1136 77.9275 Somatic embryogenic cell line 17.124535555555557 7.77822 27.2798