condition mean min max Immature female cone 8.93596 8.93596 8.93596 Immature male cones 7.27662 7.27662 7.27662 Cambium and expanding xylem 20.1564 20.1564 20.1564 Cambium 22.90108 9.77474 42.3153 Expanding xylem 33.376025 20.4301 46.7221 Expanding and mature xylem 42.2884 25.0515 56.3975 Maturing xylem 30.4747 30.4747 30.4747 Wood 16.2246 10.3707 22.0785 Bark 31.59392857142857 21.0369 42.9263 Bark, healthy 16.40068 12.2756 20.359 S1 xylem tracheids 13.737874999999999 13.2653 14.2012 S1 whole sections 10.654685 9.89674 11.3862 S2 ray cells 15.751825 14.5399 16.5198 S2 xylem tracheids 20.0435 18.7142 21.4108 S2 whole sections 10.072215 8.77398 11.8079 Dead late wood 24.4855 24.4855 24.4855 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 45.8419 45.8419 45.8419 Bark, root and butt rot 18.63044 13.4014 27.9649 Vegetative shoots - needles 25.25255 21.4644 29.0407 Vegetative shoots - stem 18.3874 18.3874 18.3874 Vegetative shoots 13.056650000000001 11.2344 14.8789 Girdled twig - stem 15.2581 15.2581 15.2581 Dried twig - needles 27.9438 27.9438 27.9438 Girdled twig - needles 19.059 19.059 19.059 Needles 34.07353888888889 13.9099 55.0756 Needles - dawn 31.9988 31.9988 31.9988 Needles - later afternoon 28.0117 28.0117 28.0117 Needles - midday 27.177 27.177 27.177 Needles - night 29.4837 29.4837 29.4837 Light, 1 hour 55.13701666666667 50.9893 60.7936 Light, 3 hours 44.2243 35.9753 59.3024 Light, 5 hours 52.424 46.8845 59.597 Light, 7 hours 51.107 47.0606 56.8901 Light, 9 hours 46.5739 41.4441 56.2295 Light, 13 hours 48.5826 40.4301 55.2073 Light, 15 hours 42.6581 38.7765 46.6421 Darkness, 1 hour 47.54796666666667 45.4861 50.1181 Darkness, 3 hours 47.210033333333335 41.9043 57.3502 Darkness, 5 hours 43.4032 38.5168 49.9854 Darkness, 7 hours 56.78146666666667 53.1943 60.2317 Darkness, 11 hours 36.20413333333333 23.8217 45.6961 Vegetative buds 23.5774 19.3516 27.3857 Female buds 20.5467 13.6907 25.6848 Male buds 30.030066666666666 28.6583 31.4146 Buds 15.11575 14.5652 15.6663 Pineapple galls 20.9926 20.9926 20.9926 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 33.671 27.2363 46.4352 Somatic germinants - normal type 42.32264 29.3675 53.2852 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 23.113133333333334 21.3453 24.4305 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 29.282233333333334 27.4427 32.1559 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 36.85626666666666 36.0021 38.01 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 26.031433333333332 24.5875 27.1041 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 29.020966666666666 27.8812 30.2563 Cell culture - solid medium 38.1428 36.8138 40.4235 Somatic embryogenic cell line 17.303162222222223 8.72376 23.8033