condition mean min max Egg cell 20.5704751 0.0 39.3429 Ovule 18.562292307692307 15.411 22.637 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 21.741866666666667 20.3033 24.0351 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 22.308899999999998 20.4412 23.2534 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 17.488966666666666 10.8118 21.01 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 6.825746666666666 5.13085 7.83633 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 21.851866666666666 17.5024 25.8606 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.9535493333333334 0.945655 0.962681 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.54249 0.225144 0.964112 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.22748628 0.0407073 0.69135 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.4056245333333333 0.0545246 0.784149 Sperm 0.054152650000000004 0.0 0.143303 Pollen tube (Col-0) 2.7406866666666665 1.34413 3.58525 Flower (receptacles) 19.488475 17.0797 20.468 Flower (floral buds) 8.55505 8.55505 8.55505 Flower (sepals) 12.663425 11.4674 13.5023 Flower (petals) 15.8476 14.8762 16.819 Flower (stamen filaments) 17.05105 16.086 18.0161 Flower (anthers) 5.941412166666667 0.902016 16.9052 Flower (carpels) 20.227235714285715 14.5943 25.7884 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 19.1062 18.8665 19.3459 Pedicel 14.91205 14.8842 14.9399 Axis of the inflorescence 21.1205 20.1025 22.1385 Silique 11.044143333333333 9.09596 13.2638 Silique (senescent) 6.740465 6.37914 7.10179 Pods of siliques 9.32346625 8.49058 9.88369 Pods of siliques (senescent) 11.826284999999999 9.52647 14.1261 Embryo 19.2179 19.2179 19.2179 Endosperm 13.670139 6.59311 17.9765 Seed 6.1207525 5.14461 6.91472 Seed (young) 16.49416 12.7235 22.4665 Seed (germinating) 24.662166666666668 10.0617 50.4647 Seedling 10.671374 8.74681 15.7393 Seedling (etiolated) 15.094733333333334 11.9937 18.993 Meristem 17.742812 6.46686 51.3445 Stem (internode) 13.732800000000001 13.5271 13.9385 Stem (internode, senescent) 21.735599999999998 20.0458 23.4254 Stems 18.915903823529412 4.18738 46.1461 Leaf (rosette) 12.797471428571429 10.0618 16.1781 Epidermis cells 6.958015 5.05848 8.85755 Mature guard cells 6.724589999999999 3.53869 9.91049 Root (differentiation zone) 14.815 14.815 14.815 Root (elongation zone) 17.6353 9.9139 25.3567 Root (meristematic zone) 50.75 50.75 50.75 Root (apex) 17.569699999999997 14.6768 20.4626 Root (stele) 60.0013 60.0013 60.0013 Root (QC cells) 16.111278061666667 0.0 116.465 Root (tip) 29.588733333333334 27.3793 30.8723