condition mean min max Immature female cone 65.6364 65.6364 65.6364 Immature male cones 86.2668 86.2668 86.2668 Cambium and expanding xylem 131.245 131.245 131.245 Cambium 127.90456666666667 28.0987 221.668 Expanding xylem 199.31125 117.106 280.083 Expanding and mature xylem 212.947025 77.6444 346.968 Maturing xylem 74.5315 74.5315 74.5315 Wood 109.907 105.389 114.425 Bark 123.37235428571428 75.8101 181.261 Bark, healthy 61.59742 51.948 78.4952 S1 xylem tracheids 244.70375 223.565 281.507 S1 whole sections 143.523 126.696 176.781 S2 ray cells 158.447 147.422 168.491 S2 xylem tracheids 164.8895 146.797 172.869 S2 whole sections 120.17609999999999 85.3834 142.41 Dead late wood 86.3799 86.3799 86.3799 Phloem and cambium 2.83975 2.83975 2.83975 Dear early and late wood 187.271 187.271 187.271 Bark, root and butt rot 61.29094 52.9999 64.6466 Vegetative shoots - needles 27.700850000000003 25.9755 29.4262 Vegetative shoots - stem 96.9651 96.9651 96.9651 Vegetative shoots 39.836200000000005 39.2689 40.4035 Girdled twig - stem 61.1954 61.1954 61.1954 Dried twig - needles 74.0327 74.0327 74.0327 Girdled twig - needles 18.1253 18.1253 18.1253 Needles 60.22607222222222 10.8619 140.784 Needles - dawn 19.0313 19.0313 19.0313 Needles - later afternoon 14.1171 14.1171 14.1171 Needles - midday 22.5449 22.5449 22.5449 Needles - night 17.1728 17.1728 17.1728 Light, 1 hour 24.29795 16.4092 40.4764 Light, 3 hours 21.69783333333333 10.364 35.5907 Light, 5 hours 26.923733333333335 20.5546 34.4154 Light, 7 hours 26.993266666666667 22.9062 34.3813 Light, 9 hours 18.137233333333334 16.2482 19.8193 Light, 13 hours 27.015933333333333 19.0385 32.6065 Light, 15 hours 18.05923 9.24679 24.2365 Darkness, 1 hour 36.731700000000004 30.2062 41.7827 Darkness, 3 hours 22.921333333333333 14.3305 37.0 Darkness, 5 hours 30.509266666666665 25.7586 39.1538 Darkness, 7 hours 23.009800000000002 19.327 26.4465 Darkness, 11 hours 15.868393333333334 7.08995 31.1571 Vegetative buds 62.3771 43.2887 74.2701 Female buds 38.3592 26.3508 47.5119 Male buds 52.071533333333335 36.0867 68.4903 Buds 106.04455 94.4321 117.657 Pineapple galls 73.0961 73.0961 73.0961 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 57.05784444444444 36.4448 75.5446 Somatic germinants - normal type 62.81277 33.9182 122.388 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 93.73406666666666 82.8315 110.877 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 121.68466666666667 105.41 135.223 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 127.02833333333334 109.273 160.812 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 108.39133333333334 81.731 124.51 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 88.3557 74.1406 103.942 Cell culture - solid medium 131.45733333333334 125.057 135.922 Somatic embryogenic cell line 62.51381111111111 37.3754 79.3102