condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	5.44686	5.44686	5.44686
Immature male cones	2.70864	2.70864	2.70864
Cambium and expanding xylem	2.86478	2.86478	2.86478
Cambium	6.04035	2.15213	12.6252
Expanding xylem	3.1601875	1.43353	5.40071
Expanding and mature xylem	0.7202925	0.0	2.88117
Maturing xylem	0.84376	0.84376	0.84376
Wood	5.1067800000000005	4.70092	5.51264
Bark	14.409821428571428	7.16495	19.8967
Bark, healthy	5.031172	4.21746	6.64422
S1 xylem tracheids	8.6990275	5.3259	10.2927
S1 whole sections	7.4744625	6.10072	9.48167
S2 ray cells	11.333725	10.0054	12.8335
S2 xylem tracheids	9.7112425	8.98707	10.5054
S2 whole sections	6.459615	5.67882	7.55528
Dead late wood	1.14476	1.14476	1.14476
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	5.02344	5.02344	5.02344
Bark, root and butt rot	4.314402	1.99463	6.32951
Vegetative shoots - needles	29.5409	28.1171	30.9647
Vegetative shoots - stem	6.10731	6.10731	6.10731
Vegetative shoots	9.04457	6.88724	11.2019
Girdled twig - stem	8.23161	8.23161	8.23161
Dried twig - needles	17.7911	17.7911	17.7911
Girdled twig - needles	25.0957	25.0957	25.0957
Needles	18.607868333333332	4.70168	30.0147
Needles - dawn	30.7902	30.7902	30.7902
Needles - later afternoon	25.0137	25.0137	25.0137
Needles - midday	19.8388	19.8388	19.8388
Needles - night	24.7246	24.7246	24.7246
Light, 1 hour	48.33995	42.7926	53.0854
Light, 3 hours	47.267966666666666	34.824	59.8689
Light, 5 hours	48.20686666666667	42.0191	55.0143
Light, 7 hours	43.1636	38.2433	46.5946
Light, 9 hours	45.247366666666665	29.0433	62.022
Light, 13 hours	44.9748	41.2105	50.4353
Light, 15 hours	48.62866666666667	42.2695	52.1481
Darkness, 1 hour	37.00413333333333	30.6583	40.2007
Darkness, 3 hours	40.731833333333334	35.6282	45.6071
Darkness, 5 hours	39.149633333333334	33.8886	45.1015
Darkness, 7 hours	43.2877	40.775	47.8711
Darkness, 11 hours	38.9167	24.221	50.9076
Vegetative buds	7.058093333333333	5.57257	7.96983
Female buds	4.660356666666667	2.44451	6.94844
Male buds	10.181716666666667	8.84437	12.0517
Buds	7.793285000000001	5.61333	9.97324
Pineapple galls	11.9044	11.9044	11.9044
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	12.894132777777777	8.65589	23.3509
Somatic germinants - normal type	15.08599	11.2143	20.4842
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	13.889466666666667	12.3561	15.5806
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	14.113066666666667	13.1755	15.5026
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	12.850733333333334	11.772	13.8742
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	14.876633333333334	13.429	15.7507
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	13.383066666666666	12.1041	14.6023
Cell culture - solid medium	14.487066666666667	14.1357	15.1311
Somatic embryogenic cell line	4.804008888888888	1.66428	8.53047