condition mean min max Immature female cone 39.4963 39.4963 39.4963 Immature male cones 35.2578 35.2578 35.2578 Cambium and expanding xylem 8.14123 8.14123 8.14123 Cambium 4.27271 2.68835 6.36629 Expanding xylem 13.0815275 9.72266 20.761 Expanding and mature xylem 6.2667625000000005 0.0 12.7063 Maturing xylem 11.0669 11.0669 11.0669 Wood 42.63445 40.7738 44.4951 Bark 53.905368571428575 29.4052 84.6876 Bark, healthy 67.31146 49.7596 95.0004 S1 xylem tracheids 6.352205 4.68 7.56765 S1 whole sections 7.20117 4.93671 9.12485 S2 ray cells 9.66758 6.56159 13.6675 S2 xylem tracheids 6.6487475 6.12965 7.68983 S2 whole sections 5.2804375 3.66864 5.90282 Dead late wood 13.2631 13.2631 13.2631 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 11.5304 11.5304 11.5304 Bark, root and butt rot 79.4401 62.7373 90.79 Vegetative shoots - needles 26.464199999999998 26.0749 26.8535 Vegetative shoots - stem 48.7457 48.7457 48.7457 Vegetative shoots 51.4186 46.3961 56.4411 Girdled twig - stem 33.507 33.507 33.507 Dried twig - needles 41.1794 41.1794 41.1794 Girdled twig - needles 40.5245 40.5245 40.5245 Needles 41.01087777777778 23.988 63.2045 Needles - dawn 29.9491 29.9491 29.9491 Needles - later afternoon 35.7857 35.7857 35.7857 Needles - midday 41.5394 41.5394 41.5394 Needles - night 42.9046 42.9046 42.9046 Light, 1 hour 23.304133333333333 16.5081 26.2667 Light, 3 hours 20.577066666666667 16.7669 23.5396 Light, 5 hours 23.468799999999998 20.2853 25.5659 Light, 7 hours 22.87473333333333 18.7498 27.0982 Light, 9 hours 18.192566666666668 14.6299 23.5794 Light, 13 hours 23.3047 20.2731 26.254 Light, 15 hours 20.273666666666667 15.189 23.1988 Darkness, 1 hour 19.6621 16.2707 25.4198 Darkness, 3 hours 21.8949 20.5092 23.8639 Darkness, 5 hours 23.443033333333332 20.5148 28.5844 Darkness, 7 hours 24.304666666666666 22.6375 26.1723 Darkness, 11 hours 17.697033333333334 10.2479 25.5897 Vegetative buds 62.06966666666667 57.5339 66.7339 Female buds 49.63356666666667 33.1313 60.7578 Male buds 59.7059 51.6108 68.6691 Buds 45.196749999999994 43.0143 47.3792 Pineapple galls 50.7289 50.7289 50.7289 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 45.56956111111111 32.7475 64.4635 Somatic germinants - normal type 64.209145 39.1508 95.0308 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 39.3371 36.6497 44.6755 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 41.516533333333335 32.7668 49.0532 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 48.83 46.4148 51.1808 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 40.14866666666667 36.4014 45.4814 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 40.851866666666666 38.8603 43.1498 Cell culture - solid medium 53.584633333333336 51.5016 55.7865 Somatic embryogenic cell line 38.72246666666667 15.0074 57.4316