condition mean min max Immature female cone 16.5705 16.5705 16.5705 Immature male cones 20.6984 20.6984 20.6984 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.517864 0.517864 0.517864 Cambium 0.640213 0.0 1.36487 Expanding xylem 0.58169475 0.0 1.10465 Expanding and mature xylem 0.8223575 0.0 3.28943 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 9.798359999999999 9.45412 10.1426 Bark 49.218511428571425 31.4033 71.4149 Bark, healthy 14.7155 12.4229 17.2703 S1 xylem tracheids 12.240115 6.77256 15.8855 S1 whole sections 5.8409075 2.83287 10.6386 S2 ray cells 15.1958 11.7547 18.6895 S2 xylem tracheids 17.724800000000002 15.868 20.6373 S2 whole sections 7.8793575 3.42185 10.5736 Dead late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bark, root and butt rot 14.104092 8.73906 20.7053 Vegetative shoots - needles 31.68875 24.3936 38.9839 Vegetative shoots - stem 17.4588 17.4588 17.4588 Vegetative shoots 36.47655 34.0786 38.8745 Girdled twig - stem 11.545 11.545 11.545 Dried twig - needles 17.9722 17.9722 17.9722 Girdled twig - needles 36.0186 36.0186 36.0186 Needles 33.96102055555556 1.51097 46.6675 Needles - dawn 33.1913 33.1913 33.1913 Needles - later afternoon 31.723 31.723 31.723 Needles - midday 22.9002 22.9002 22.9002 Needles - night 28.1069 28.1069 28.1069 Light, 1 hour 42.94525 38.0113 49.0598 Light, 3 hours 33.48133333333333 30.2413 39.6695 Light, 5 hours 39.90573333333334 33.4665 44.3327 Light, 7 hours 37.98903333333333 36.1312 40.6476 Light, 9 hours 35.2087 29.1219 39.8834 Light, 13 hours 33.89633333333333 26.9547 39.1636 Light, 15 hours 36.43813333333333 35.1162 38.6112 Darkness, 1 hour 36.79233333333333 32.0352 42.9074 Darkness, 3 hours 36.60733333333333 33.5057 39.4677 Darkness, 5 hours 33.14926666666667 24.9753 38.4686 Darkness, 7 hours 35.978300000000004 29.6557 44.3498 Darkness, 11 hours 29.3784 24.0106 34.8763 Vegetative buds 27.666333333333334 23.4533 30.1789 Female buds 25.41486666666667 13.2568 33.9296 Male buds 42.90593333333334 35.9985 51.9226 Buds 16.0347 15.5026 16.5668 Pineapple galls 31.0534 31.0534 31.0534 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 44.22269444444444 34.0528 55.9232 Somatic germinants - normal type 48.264095 33.4352 60.8383 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 14.889833333333334 12.5659 16.7409 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 16.633533333333332 14.4054 20.4679 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 17.472933333333334 16.3148 18.4183 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 17.534533333333336 14.8057 19.4888 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 18.6866 17.215 19.994 Cell culture - solid medium 16.883033333333334 11.8426 22.0685 Somatic embryogenic cell line 15.777688888888889 0.0 32.3095