condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	15.0716	15.0716	15.0716
Immature male cones	21.5503	21.5503	21.5503
Cambium and expanding xylem	2.08932	2.08932	2.08932
Cambium	17.946696666666668	4.89469	36.7376
Expanding xylem	6.250365	4.37644	10.4457
Expanding and mature xylem	4.868215	0.0	17.261
Maturing xylem	10.7119	10.7119	10.7119
Wood	21.78915	15.8068	27.7715
Bark	13.18023942857143	7.1802	20.9258
Bark, healthy	18.12846	13.7757	21.3373
S1 xylem tracheids	17.62855	14.2209	21.2518
S1 whole sections	15.1044	13.207	16.9565
S2 ray cells	20.160725	15.466	23.5865
S2 xylem tracheids	17.71225	15.0912	20.1254
S2 whole sections	14.08955	10.8795	17.3797
Dead late wood	12.616	12.616	12.616
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	10.3803	10.3803	10.3803
Bark, root and butt rot	17.1607	13.3497	21.4697
Vegetative shoots - needles	10.770434999999999	8.84837	12.6925
Vegetative shoots - stem	15.8829	15.8829	15.8829
Vegetative shoots	12.898105000000001	5.97781	19.8184
Girdled twig - stem	27.6018	27.6018	27.6018
Dried twig - needles	6.99643	6.99643	6.99643
Girdled twig - needles	12.4674	12.4674	12.4674
Needles	11.186201666666667	4.40927	16.3029
Needles - dawn	15.3367	15.3367	15.3367
Needles - later afternoon	6.36745	6.36745	6.36745
Needles - midday	9.68452	9.68452	9.68452
Needles - night	10.5341	10.5341	10.5341
Light, 1 hour	7.793411666666667	5.477	10.715
Light, 3 hours	4.614093333333333	4.05549	5.29791
Light, 5 hours	5.254506666666667	1.43231	9.10246
Light, 7 hours	6.7785866666666665	6.01117	8.12158
Light, 9 hours	6.912686666666667	4.37037	9.3807
Light, 13 hours	6.777713333333334	5.01008	9.59825
Light, 15 hours	7.20308	5.53876	8.14612
Darkness, 1 hour	7.047533333333333	4.80859	9.15371
Darkness, 3 hours	7.021646666666666	5.45823	8.52975
Darkness, 5 hours	8.392303333333333	6.75974	10.9376
Darkness, 7 hours	8.38934	5.2304	10.4971
Darkness, 11 hours	7.35975	5.90931	9.1346
Vegetative buds	28.259033333333335	26.2839	30.9398
Female buds	24.018633333333334	13.0739	30.5903
Male buds	32.32973333333333	29.298	36.0821
Buds	18.85805	17.1841	20.532
Pineapple galls	8.30345	8.30345	8.30345
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	0.43760205555555554	0.0	1.38873
Somatic germinants - normal type	0.18061395	0.0	0.713572
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	19.70456666666667	13.974	24.8075
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	29.7966	28.2905	32.6973
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	23.1809	20.7291	24.9651
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	20.615666666666666	18.3923	23.1445
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	18.418400000000002	15.4436	19.9187
Cell culture - solid medium	30.0431	24.7743	35.5032
Somatic embryogenic cell line	23.79943111111111	9.44048	34.6993