condition mean min max Immature female cone 65.069 65.069 65.069 Immature male cones 37.9832 37.9832 37.9832 Cambium and expanding xylem 38.2677 38.2677 38.2677 Cambium 43.4456 28.3569 55.668 Expanding xylem 51.078225 38.2228 78.8891 Expanding and mature xylem 30.617025 11.0926 54.6212 Maturing xylem 67.5361 67.5361 67.5361 Wood 65.8298 52.0878 79.5718 Bark 37.69323428571428 21.4069 56.3167 Bark, healthy 27.11306 20.1314 34.4429 S1 xylem tracheids 29.709425 24.7514 34.0448 S1 whole sections 18.124275 16.3395 22.5735 S2 ray cells 17.843575 13.7894 20.0967 S2 xylem tracheids 27.9595 24.5947 30.937 S2 whole sections 10.1182675 5.46513 16.5562 Dead late wood 71.725 71.725 71.725 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 40.3416 40.3416 40.3416 Bark, root and butt rot 28.15278 15.554 34.6973 Vegetative shoots - needles 52.001949999999994 50.3561 53.6478 Vegetative shoots - stem 68.6619 68.6619 68.6619 Vegetative shoots 50.3969 39.1032 61.6906 Girdled twig - stem 56.4232 56.4232 56.4232 Dried twig - needles 30.3722 30.3722 30.3722 Girdled twig - needles 51.3389 51.3389 51.3389 Needles 34.68072222222222 16.3458 64.8962 Needles - dawn 49.8621 49.8621 49.8621 Needles - later afternoon 54.1476 54.1476 54.1476 Needles - midday 45.6122 45.6122 45.6122 Needles - night 53.0995 53.0995 53.0995 Light, 1 hour 29.672016666666668 21.0274 38.4292 Light, 3 hours 28.569233333333333 27.7824 29.1814 Light, 5 hours 22.625566666666668 18.5981 28.1078 Light, 7 hours 31.672633333333334 29.491 34.4899 Light, 9 hours 27.12783333333333 18.7123 31.6402 Light, 13 hours 29.7575 27.7606 32.9544 Light, 15 hours 25.965433333333333 18.8248 37.7567 Darkness, 1 hour 29.06416666666667 20.7602 43.3235 Darkness, 3 hours 25.879266666666666 25.4723 26.2328 Darkness, 5 hours 28.8152 25.6524 33.4333 Darkness, 7 hours 28.161133333333332 18.5262 38.4908 Darkness, 11 hours 27.629733333333334 18.2231 36.3984 Vegetative buds 55.753366666666665 49.5654 61.6938 Female buds 56.666533333333334 27.9889 73.404 Male buds 67.09779999999999 41.7089 82.9245 Buds 69.2286 62.5819 75.8753 Pineapple galls 62.783 62.783 62.783 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 33.125394444444446 23.6304 45.1809 Somatic germinants - normal type 33.891025 19.4247 43.2265 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 44.5597 41.8309 48.6827 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 64.47826666666667 57.9315 70.0281 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 69.81793333333334 61.7768 80.1083 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 47.55843333333333 41.5074 58.4205 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 28.716033333333332 26.9229 31.3892 Cell culture - solid medium 57.957300000000004 55.5627 61.771 Somatic embryogenic cell line 22.60257777777778 10.5864 41.4182