condition mean min max Immature female cone 28.8183 28.8183 28.8183 Immature male cones 15.2914 15.2914 15.2914 Cambium and expanding xylem 3.28996 3.28996 3.28996 Cambium 8.995456333333333 0.458779 22.2122 Expanding xylem 0.6531487500000001 0.0 1.03967 Expanding and mature xylem 0.19869 0.0 0.515989 Maturing xylem 0.239256 0.239256 0.239256 Wood 30.320349999999998 24.6499 35.9908 Bark 2.3859126857142856 0.953784 4.07776 Bark, healthy 4.314556 3.705 5.69224 S1 xylem tracheids 10.747125 9.18292 12.7483 S1 whole sections 24.9391 21.5964 27.0413 S2 ray cells 27.811425 22.1264 30.9246 S2 xylem tracheids 7.608825 6.04497 8.27325 S2 whole sections 27.360275 23.5504 32.8355 Dead late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.641 0.641 0.641 Bark, root and butt rot 4.923948 3.61402 6.26949 Vegetative shoots - needles 7.7432300000000005 6.66211 8.82435 Vegetative shoots - stem 22.4729 22.4729 22.4729 Vegetative shoots 18.28855 12.7831 23.794 Girdled twig - stem 20.7659 20.7659 20.7659 Dried twig - needles 17.0263 17.0263 17.0263 Girdled twig - needles 5.57846 5.57846 5.57846 Needles 22.898642777777777 3.12147 36.9013 Needles - dawn 5.52688 5.52688 5.52688 Needles - later afternoon 6.12735 6.12735 6.12735 Needles - midday 9.75989 9.75989 9.75989 Needles - night 7.48071 7.48071 7.48071 Light, 1 hour 17.185466666666667 15.5734 18.2406 Light, 3 hours 14.019766666666666 12.5057 15.5398 Light, 5 hours 17.677 14.0962 22.2962 Light, 7 hours 16.379366666666666 14.6515 17.7247 Light, 9 hours 16.170866666666665 14.4765 17.726 Light, 13 hours 16.3779 15.469 18.0393 Light, 15 hours 17.2839 15.3012 20.1318 Darkness, 1 hour 19.9531 17.2403 22.7638 Darkness, 3 hours 18.364166666666666 17.1897 19.6049 Darkness, 5 hours 17.570633333333333 14.1924 21.1564 Darkness, 7 hours 19.655933333333333 15.8616 24.9371 Darkness, 11 hours 13.50065 7.53275 17.3589 Vegetative buds 4.420986666666667 2.84037 5.36074 Female buds 5.80562 1.87154 8.75221 Male buds 8.844783333333334 7.68908 10.637 Buds 25.06185 24.6716 25.4521 Pineapple galls 19.4845 19.4845 19.4845 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 6.234747777777778 4.50136 9.28627 Somatic germinants - normal type 6.787026 4.59748 9.48047 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 14.7227 14.1147 15.6203 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 16.220966666666666 14.5256 17.5126 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 22.884566666666665 18.1925 26.5556 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 17.1056 15.1853 19.6296 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 14.655966666666666 12.9897 16.9361 Cell culture - solid medium 20.730433333333334 16.714 24.707 Somatic embryogenic cell line 35.04922222222222 12.5596 72.2894