condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	44.4127	44.4127	44.4127
Immature male cones	16.8933	16.8933	16.8933
Cambium and expanding xylem	3.58329	3.58329	3.58329
Cambium	5.4406973333333335	0.163532	11.9634
Expanding xylem	2.996485	1.22255	4.47799
Expanding and mature xylem	0.241944	0.0	0.852823
Maturing xylem	0.0	0.0	0.0
Wood	32.792	30.7527	34.8313
Bark	22.59839057142857	9.40067	39.1756
Bark, healthy	18.07366	14.7235	25.4997
S1 xylem tracheids	35.825675000000004	34.5195	39.5586
S1 whole sections	25.572625000000002	23.0467	28.503
S2 ray cells	41.753475	37.1683	47.9006
S2 xylem tracheids	25.762999999999998	23.6071	28.7058
S2 whole sections	24.1332	22.8888	26.7263
Dead late wood	0.34712	0.34712	0.34712
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	1.14243	1.14243	1.14243
Bark, root and butt rot	19.18608	11.5466	30.4323
Vegetative shoots - needles	19.7088	18.7238	20.6938
Vegetative shoots - stem	29.0704	29.0704	29.0704
Vegetative shoots	46.83240000000001	44.0123	49.6525
Girdled twig - stem	27.1121	27.1121	27.1121
Dried twig - needles	14.8751	14.8751	14.8751
Girdled twig - needles	24.4732	24.4732	24.4732
Needles	37.47564444444444	20.8143	53.3063
Needles - dawn	15.525	15.525	15.525
Needles - later afternoon	14.296	14.296	14.296
Needles - midday	14.4955	14.4955	14.4955
Needles - night	16.0377	16.0377	16.0377
Light, 1 hour	26.100766666666665	21.1669	32.7865
Light, 3 hours	24.019000000000002	22.1567	27.2953
Light, 5 hours	27.026333333333334	24.6207	31.6955
Light, 7 hours	28.7624	25.6291	32.1899
Light, 9 hours	24.296066666666665	19.4366	32.3356
Light, 13 hours	24.400066666666667	20.2637	28.027
Light, 15 hours	27.112466666666666	21.2741	32.3836
Darkness, 1 hour	32.36346666666667	22.6672	42.5844
Darkness, 3 hours	30.07753333333333	28.7553	31.8146
Darkness, 5 hours	27.670566666666666	20.3542	34.2076
Darkness, 7 hours	28.5372	22.1692	34.6584
Darkness, 11 hours	19.47286666666667	12.4381	23.9925
Vegetative buds	41.850033333333336	38.6637	43.9776
Female buds	28.68563333333333	16.8632	35.6241
Male buds	34.0353	31.8236	38.3781
Buds	34.1102	28.5046	39.7158
Pineapple galls	47.2919	47.2919	47.2919
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	17.46857222222222	13.1731	24.3563
Somatic germinants - normal type	19.93584	13.8396	28.8649
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	24.89666666666667	20.411	28.2026
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	18.2197	16.8285	20.2878
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	18.25893333333333	15.7656	20.7064
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	21.208233333333332	20.7903	21.4921
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	20.71193333333333	20.5099	21.0159
Cell culture - solid medium	15.653566666666666	14.2366	17.4623
Somatic embryogenic cell line	48.78326666666666	31.5408	60.0688