condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	28.8388	28.8388	28.8388
Immature male cones	2.93341	2.93341	2.93341
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.379196	0.379196	0.379196
Cambium	3.532410666666667	0.813902	8.35562
Expanding xylem	0.0	0.0	0.0
Expanding and mature xylem	0.0	0.0	0.0
Maturing xylem	0.0	0.0	0.0
Wood	77.25575	33.6775	120.834
Bark	3.5942029142857144	0.0	13.9229
Bark, healthy	9.701656	5.53734	23.4592
S1 xylem tracheids	0.0	0.0	0.0
S1 whole sections	18.4528	12.1176	23.0595
S2 ray cells	4.2713625	3.34554	5.22677
S2 xylem tracheids	7.2439625	6.57349	8.29932
S2 whole sections	28.0239	23.3946	31.9941
Dead late wood	0.0	0.0	0.0
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.0	0.0	0.0
Bark, root and butt rot	13.484112	5.28036	32.3662
Vegetative shoots - needles	2.582865	1.91375	3.25198
Vegetative shoots - stem	10.9039	10.9039	10.9039
Vegetative shoots	20.96895	16.6356	25.3023
Girdled twig - stem	3.75715	3.75715	3.75715
Dried twig - needles	0.69262	0.69262	0.69262
Girdled twig - needles	1.66923	1.66923	1.66923
Needles	21.6965045	0.829781	50.0396
Needles - dawn	0.0	0.0	0.0
Needles - later afternoon	0.346694	0.346694	0.346694
Needles - midday	0.316381	0.316381	0.316381
Needles - night	1.01217	1.01217	1.01217
Light, 1 hour	5.558284333333333	0.935916	8.91437
Light, 3 hours	6.82709	6.07235	7.28226
Light, 5 hours	5.748143333333333	5.33802	6.05745
Light, 7 hours	4.78364	3.94031	5.52311
Light, 9 hours	5.782086666666666	4.15281	6.70371
Light, 13 hours	1.3554026666666665	0.623408	1.92556
Light, 15 hours	4.369736666666666	2.72504	6.09865
Darkness, 1 hour	2.362453	0.879529	5.16056
Darkness, 3 hours	2.962140333333333	0.938491	6.66351
Darkness, 5 hours	6.497493333333334	2.71498	12.6369
Darkness, 7 hours	3.4111066666666665	2.53479	4.27176
Darkness, 11 hours	2.0568706666666667	0.689462	2.86938
Vegetative buds	10.202946666666667	5.88794	13.4692
Female buds	9.748246666666667	8.41274	10.6738
Male buds	11.281236666666667	8.69581	12.9179
Buds	7.422865	5.35177	9.49396
Pineapple galls	17.9512	17.9512	17.9512
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	9.335247222222222	4.58293	12.5356
Somatic germinants - normal type	20.36558	13.17	30.6216
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	0.444534	0.0	0.845392
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	6.0374799999999995	5.44989	7.13737
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	11.60042	9.75616	14.0238
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	0.6736076666666666	0.0	1.11191
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	0.501225	0.450467	0.560239
Cell culture - solid medium	10.637203333333334	9.56571	12.1401
Somatic embryogenic cell line	3.4045544444444444	1.65219	4.8807