condition mean min max Immature female cone 23.4663 23.4663 23.4663 Immature male cones 11.8276 11.8276 11.8276 Cambium and expanding xylem 4.29088 4.29088 4.29088 Cambium 4.923606666666666 2.66755 8.13349 Expanding xylem 2.6690725 1.81573 3.60978 Expanding and mature xylem 0.83272275 0.0 2.2003 Maturing xylem 1.88842 1.88842 1.88842 Wood 0.886692 0.313284 1.4601 Bark 17.345026 2.98887 49.3793 Bark, healthy 0.217464 0.0 0.50839 S1 xylem tracheids 0.0 0.0 0.0 S1 whole sections 0.32962400000000003 0.0 0.647512 S2 ray cells 0.9146185 0.639709 1.30542 S2 xylem tracheids 0.6189337500000001 0.215892 1.00479 S2 whole sections 0.49995775 0.244418 0.76071 Dead late wood 1.89199 1.89199 1.89199 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 1.94589 1.94589 1.94589 Bark, root and butt rot 0.4149842 0.151326 0.936539 Vegetative shoots - needles 238.90300000000002 167.768 310.038 Vegetative shoots - stem 29.4893 29.4893 29.4893 Vegetative shoots 206.7631 47.6222 365.904 Girdled twig - stem 9.67581 9.67581 9.67581 Dried twig - needles 102.563 102.563 102.563 Girdled twig - needles 117.24 117.24 117.24 Needles 370.74474 8.31032 631.028 Needles - dawn 224.68 224.68 224.68 Needles - later afternoon 254.866 254.866 254.866 Needles - midday 211.225 211.225 211.225 Needles - night 276.988 276.988 276.988 Light, 1 hour 267.9185 209.126 309.909 Light, 3 hours 249.528 178.568 331.661 Light, 5 hours 244.08733333333333 197.468 316.091 Light, 7 hours 208.90966666666665 115.243 291.905 Light, 9 hours 185.08533333333332 141.566 239.554 Light, 13 hours 228.34533333333334 194.381 248.133 Light, 15 hours 244.42666666666665 203.637 303.573 Darkness, 1 hour 121.8215 83.6575 156.714 Darkness, 3 hours 192.81733333333332 155.268 225.971 Darkness, 5 hours 111.16756666666666 95.5927 124.292 Darkness, 7 hours 234.86 150.872 362.3 Darkness, 11 hours 203.22633333333334 118.372 258.649 Vegetative buds 16.991866666666667 13.019 23.322 Female buds 21.450866666666666 14.8981 30.2098 Male buds 49.8235 37.536 59.8562 Buds 16.794305 7.65691 25.9317 Pineapple galls 173.401 173.401 173.401 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 450.1708888888889 294.286 594.272 Somatic germinants - normal type 508.49935 331.831 595.098 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 85.263 82.1377 88.5818 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 132.47833333333332 126.253 144.179 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 197.04333333333332 186.86 203.628 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 118.17666666666666 116.276 120.051 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 132.53199999999998 129.071 136.926 Cell culture - solid medium 233.90666666666667 216.777 265.475 Somatic embryogenic cell line 1.324939111111111 0.214893 3.0944