condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	6.30231	6.30231	6.30231
Immature male cones	0.648969	0.648969	0.648969
Cambium and expanding xylem	0.503345	0.503345	0.503345
Cambium	1.0149133333333333	0.270093	2.01659
Expanding xylem	0.5081107499999999	0.0	1.67455
Expanding and mature xylem	0.666085	0.0	2.66434
Maturing xylem	0.0	0.0	0.0
Wood	0.133219	0.0	0.266438
Bark	0.6905039142857143	0.0	2.60986
Bark, healthy	0.524466	0.0	0.95326
S1 xylem tracheids	0.0	0.0	0.0
S1 whole sections	0.284655	0.0	0.574461
S2 ray cells	0.96614975	0.0	2.17621
S2 xylem tracheids	0.0	0.0	0.0
S2 whole sections	0.311805	0.0	1.24722
Dead late wood	0.0	0.0	0.0
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	0.0	0.0	0.0
Bark, root and butt rot	0.8069379999999999	0.0	1.80896
Vegetative shoots - needles	7.74596	6.13911	9.35281
Vegetative shoots - stem	2.24594	2.24594	2.24594
Vegetative shoots	10.412475	5.76055	15.0644
Girdled twig - stem	0.498725	0.498725	0.498725
Dried twig - needles	5.28646	5.28646	5.28646
Girdled twig - needles	9.5277	9.5277	9.5277
Needles	58.395635	2.66778	121.694
Needles - dawn	8.68557	8.68557	8.68557
Needles - later afternoon	6.67293	6.67293	6.67293
Needles - midday	4.19964	4.19964	4.19964
Needles - night	3.35887	3.35887	3.35887
Light, 1 hour	19.166816666666666	12.8662	24.7591
Light, 3 hours	20.8796	17.9528	22.9741
Light, 5 hours	23.733800000000002	18.6397	30.8228
Light, 7 hours	24.320766666666668	15.6911	35.0277
Light, 9 hours	20.932033333333333	16.3454	29.2893
Light, 13 hours	15.5036	12.8264	17.5725
Light, 15 hours	17.683833333333332	11.756	26.1259
Darkness, 1 hour	15.001483333333333	9.92365	22.9374
Darkness, 3 hours	13.65084	6.39352	19.2985
Darkness, 5 hours	19.393733333333333	11.9085	23.4251
Darkness, 7 hours	21.712333333333333	15.1623	33.077
Darkness, 11 hours	15.10248	8.69434	25.5191
Vegetative buds	0.20167100000000002	0.0	0.325653
Female buds	0.9537866666666667	0.0	1.63994
Male buds	1.0725806666666666	0.352915	2.1434
Buds	8.845410000000001	8.21889	9.47193
Pineapple galls	8.47235	8.47235	8.47235
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	2.601914333333333	0.752159	6.07404
Somatic germinants - normal type	7.6719785	3.09437	11.538
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	1.3116186666666665	0.324026	2.48866
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	1.20096	1.08513	1.33348
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	1.194215	0.761785	1.72363
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	1.1381516666666667	0.664645	1.84494
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	0.8041513333333333	0.327184	1.48732
Cell culture - solid medium	2.3130466666666667	1.15106	3.01049
Somatic embryogenic cell line	0.5512222222222223	0.0	1.21475