condition mean min max Immature female cone 16.2632 16.2632 16.2632 Immature male cones 17.4943 17.4943 17.4943 Cambium and expanding xylem 44.4636 44.4636 44.4636 Cambium 55.71406666666667 44.3577 65.0777 Expanding xylem 34.933375 19.6397 46.6142 Expanding and mature xylem 53.9816 14.7557 97.288 Maturing xylem 58.1011 58.1011 58.1011 Wood 24.0521 22.2476 25.8566 Bark 26.022907142857143 7.96985 46.6335 Bark, healthy 29.913899999999998 20.1624 35.5103 S1 xylem tracheids 27.2342 19.305 32.5991 S1 whole sections 15.088325 10.5787 17.5478 S2 ray cells 36.320325 32.4607 40.2832 S2 xylem tracheids 29.676925 22.8441 33.1716 S2 whole sections 17.682975 15.0003 20.7782 Dead late wood 78.8277 78.8277 78.8277 Phloem and cambium 187.968 187.968 187.968 Dear early and late wood 64.5155 64.5155 64.5155 Bark, root and butt rot 31.1482 23.6981 36.0107 Vegetative shoots - needles 10.1116 9.4818 10.7414 Vegetative shoots - stem 22.3547 22.3547 22.3547 Vegetative shoots 12.72795 12.2438 13.2121 Girdled twig - stem 13.9613 13.9613 13.9613 Dried twig - needles 19.4459 19.4459 19.4459 Girdled twig - needles 12.9568 12.9568 12.9568 Needles 6.45252 2.0556 15.2315 Needles - dawn 18.8339 18.8339 18.8339 Needles - later afternoon 17.1771 17.1771 17.1771 Needles - midday 12.8015 12.8015 12.8015 Needles - night 9.47245 9.47245 9.47245 Light, 1 hour 14.29155 8.5935 26.241 Light, 3 hours 16.574933333333334 12.5752 18.9158 Light, 5 hours 16.697 12.783 23.6662 Light, 7 hours 12.096356666666667 9.80147 15.3391 Light, 9 hours 16.0311 13.0483 17.6846 Light, 13 hours 17.3916 12.5287 22.6582 Light, 15 hours 14.129996666666667 9.00089 16.9076 Darkness, 1 hour 13.191543333333334 7.35073 22.1515 Darkness, 3 hours 13.240333333333332 11.0049 17.0493 Darkness, 5 hours 15.017133333333334 12.2342 18.8052 Darkness, 7 hours 15.93045 9.86825 22.6375 Darkness, 11 hours 12.227833333333333 5.6933 18.4814 Vegetative buds 32.7295 27.2541 36.4951 Female buds 30.897566666666666 23.5126 35.1398 Male buds 35.83226666666667 29.3344 40.8399 Buds 18.01 15.9094 20.1106 Pineapple galls 17.1292 17.1292 17.1292 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 41.306472222222226 28.1787 54.181 Somatic germinants - normal type 43.245405 21.9143 68.1511 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 13.239966666666666 11.943 14.5132 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 15.858533333333334 14.1022 18.1724 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 12.65473 8.64589 15.1647 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 10.785260000000001 7.34538 14.2603 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 9.99012 9.6714 10.5839 Cell culture - solid medium 15.0926 12.6413 19.7474 Somatic embryogenic cell line 22.598465555555556 9.09539 32.275