condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	44.7842	44.7842	44.7842
Immature male cones	139.792	139.792	139.792
Cambium and expanding xylem	7.9593	7.9593	7.9593
Cambium	6.795873333333334	2.69708	11.4265
Expanding xylem	7.0380375	4.75652	8.89034
Expanding and mature xylem	3.986005	0.0	8.00482
Maturing xylem	12.1119	12.1119	12.1119
Wood	32.0753	27.1044	37.0462
Bark	139.79602285714284	89.0856	226.063
Bark, healthy	305.4978	256.292	383.586
S1 xylem tracheids	18.48415	15.7881	22.4175
S1 whole sections	14.251725	10.1592	16.0577
S2 ray cells	24.46615	22.9413	25.1631
S2 xylem tracheids	18.924075	18.3969	19.4727
S2 whole sections	11.415095	9.10328	13.8054
Dead late wood	11.7679	11.7679	11.7679
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	13.8404	13.8404	13.8404
Bark, root and butt rot	206.5622	127.46	325.13
Vegetative shoots - needles	140.26	108.904	171.616
Vegetative shoots - stem	163.499	163.499	163.499
Vegetative shoots	48.2882	42.1751	54.4013
Girdled twig - stem	210.222	210.222	210.222
Dried twig - needles	106.976	106.976	106.976
Girdled twig - needles	115.389	115.389	115.389
Needles	39.49606111111111	17.5165	123.179
Needles - dawn	169.482	169.482	169.482
Needles - later afternoon	117.98	117.98	117.98
Needles - midday	101.162	101.162	101.162
Needles - night	128.77	128.77	128.77
Light, 1 hour	230.84783333333334	179.561	278.014
Light, 3 hours	240.31400000000002	157.59	320.374
Light, 5 hours	326.688	300.293	347.848
Light, 7 hours	398.4993333333333	307.976	473.848
Light, 9 hours	284.636	214.556	400.449
Light, 13 hours	299.15766666666667	277.098	324.462
Light, 15 hours	321.05466666666666	262.132	351.62
Darkness, 1 hour	380.214	294.825	526.63
Darkness, 3 hours	299.683	266.188	346.43
Darkness, 5 hours	247.25666666666666	220.757	261.102
Darkness, 7 hours	221.94533333333334	149.686	271.301
Darkness, 11 hours	240.10566666666665	155.855	343.775
Vegetative buds	297.55133333333333	232.653	383.474
Female buds	169.45663333333334	79.2359	245.779
Male buds	194.26333333333332	134.992	304.191
Buds	221.249	196.39	246.108
Pineapple galls	66.8463	66.8463	66.8463
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	41.04976666666666	28.1544	64.921
Somatic germinants - normal type	41.243435	25.5883	57.5293
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	18.657833333333336	17.4276	19.4703
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	34.405833333333334	33.562	34.9563
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	41.178266666666666	37.9045	45.1106
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	21.9668	18.2172	24.773
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	19.839366666666667	17.1771	21.3013
Cell culture - solid medium	46.64803333333333	40.662	55.6338
Somatic embryogenic cell line	7.699166666666667	2.31195	11.5165