condition mean min max Egg cell 30.048414 3.11325 76.9315 Ovule 36.10335 14.8654 60.0213 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 9.41382 8.86742 9.81037 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 7.97056 7.32444 8.66732 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 8.616793333333334 8.30322 9.09127 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 10.504096666666666 7.41889 12.8477 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 10.298566666666668 6.89855 14.6057 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 2.868383333333333 2.5936 3.41417 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.697498 0.553569 3.69431 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.18978808 0.0174142 0.448885 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.42675066666666667 0.153409 0.914024 Sperm 0.01238365 0.0 0.0434706 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.10941006666666667 0.0 0.288211 Flower (receptacles) 36.83775 35.5104 38.2951 Flower (floral buds) 39.0089 39.0089 39.0089 Flower (sepals) 53.066525 38.0312 67.4907 Flower (petals) 106.696 103.642 109.75 Flower (stamen filaments) 35.30885 34.3314 36.2863 Flower (anthers) 9.878755 3.11643 21.2044 Flower (carpels) 40.08994285714286 24.574 66.1935 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 32.719899999999996 30.4681 34.9717 Pedicel 32.0556 30.9719 33.1393 Axis of the inflorescence 25.83455 24.3538 27.3153 Silique 62.14675555555556 51.0039 79.708 Silique (senescent) 9.017009999999999 7.44712 10.5869 Pods of siliques 71.59455 55.6583 98.5871 Pods of siliques (senescent) 40.43445 39.4961 41.3728 Embryo 16.119 16.119 16.119 Endosperm 34.78933 17.9531 45.834 Seed 5.0797550000000005 2.90242 6.9036 Seed (young) 22.4878 11.2286 32.6544 Seed (germinating) 36.97786666666667 21.2162 57.5769 Seedling 19.75162 13.7922 26.7358 Seedling (etiolated) 43.478683333333336 39.8539 46.0804 Meristem 12.62096 1.62211 21.9223 Stem (internode) 42.453 41.99 42.916 Stem (internode, senescent) 51.955650000000006 50.8134 53.0979 Stems 35.69993676470588 14.747 101.771 Leaf (rosette) 52.29457857142857 14.9818 67.7785 Epidermis cells 44.2662 44.1242 44.4082 Mature guard cells 68.78725 51.5966 85.9779 Root (differentiation zone) 23.884 23.884 23.884 Root (elongation zone) 45.44515 35.3334 55.5569 Root (meristematic zone) 31.4699 31.4699 31.4699 Root (apex) 52.186350000000004 46.7077 57.665 Root (stele) 70.574 70.574 70.574 Root (QC cells) 27.97875380833333 0.0 152.945 Root (tip) 33.26746666666667 23.4315 39.1193