condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	21.6418	21.6418	21.6418
Immature male cones	21.5189	21.5189	21.5189
Cambium and expanding xylem	7.83154	7.83154	7.83154
Cambium	14.6478	7.71	24.6252
Expanding xylem	9.8009625	6.43332	12.6888
Expanding and mature xylem	9.8917225	6.41379	12.0286
Maturing xylem	12.9196	12.9196	12.9196
Wood	22.2179	21.4411	22.9947
Bark	28.820334285714285	17.8299	37.0647
Bark, healthy	27.23812	20.5952	36.9173
S1 xylem tracheids	8.01197	7.39912	8.515
S1 whole sections	13.3601	12.591	13.7352
S2 ray cells	23.7108	21.8965	25.4387
S2 xylem tracheids	15.421125	14.2548	16.485
S2 whole sections	14.5475	13.4841	15.2366
Dead late wood	12.2613	12.2613	12.2613
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	22.2594	22.2594	22.2594
Bark, root and butt rot	27.50012	18.3655	38.9739
Vegetative shoots - needles	15.6772	14.5887	16.7657
Vegetative shoots - stem	23.0099	23.0099	23.0099
Vegetative shoots	16.3038	12.7341	19.8735
Girdled twig - stem	23.1836	23.1836	23.1836
Dried twig - needles	12.3994	12.3994	12.3994
Girdled twig - needles	17.746	17.746	17.746
Needles	15.981261111111111	11.6074	21.1495
Needles - dawn	18.0396	18.0396	18.0396
Needles - later afternoon	15.3477	15.3477	15.3477
Needles - midday	16.6301	16.6301	16.6301
Needles - night	16.5921	16.5921	16.5921
Light, 1 hour	20.836466666666666	19.1776	23.2727
Light, 3 hours	18.809266666666666	17.0082	20.7196
Light, 5 hours	20.412866666666666	16.6346	23.865
Light, 7 hours	20.468266666666665	19.5825	21.5122
Light, 9 hours	20.491600000000002	16.8607	22.4218
Light, 13 hours	20.254233333333335	18.0915	22.303
Light, 15 hours	18.771866666666668	17.9266	20.4131
Darkness, 1 hour	20.6894	18.4627	22.1978
Darkness, 3 hours	20.409933333333335	18.7153	23.2112
Darkness, 5 hours	20.290533333333332	16.7644	23.2678
Darkness, 7 hours	24.019733333333335	18.8234	26.9375
Darkness, 11 hours	16.2438	10.7963	21.6644
Vegetative buds	29.3027	27.5353	31.1029
Female buds	25.28376666666667	18.076	29.2849
Male buds	39.39143333333333	37.0394	40.9425
Buds	21.1955	20.8587	21.5323
Pineapple galls	18.6387	18.6387	18.6387
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	13.970405555555555	11.0884	17.9166
Somatic germinants - normal type	15.60662	11.1977	20.1719
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	14.347633333333333	14.2154	14.4545
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	19.8738	19.4207	20.365
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	20.124100000000002	19.5762	20.6167
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	14.254999999999999	13.741	14.7913
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	12.8584	12.2676	13.42
Cell culture - solid medium	19.441866666666666	18.154	20.4949
Somatic embryogenic cell line	17.19936111111111	8.48405	19.7549