condition mean min max Immature female cone 63.4255 63.4255 63.4255 Immature male cones 87.7742 87.7742 87.7742 Cambium and expanding xylem 21.0471 21.0471 21.0471 Cambium 25.361386666666668 7.89776 47.2719 Expanding xylem 23.061149999999998 13.2378 29.2553 Expanding and mature xylem 12.041979999999999 8.40522 14.9157 Maturing xylem 13.6363 13.6363 13.6363 Wood 51.97965000000001 44.6159 59.3434 Bark 110.98687142857143 63.3177 148.46 Bark, healthy 51.85776 34.8049 77.6411 S1 xylem tracheids 44.2525 41.7634 48.9865 S1 whole sections 46.01105 44.1927 49.5628 S2 ray cells 55.332975000000005 54.2852 56.1143 S2 xylem tracheids 40.333625 38.7753 41.2904 S2 whole sections 43.068375 40.9275 46.1398 Dead late wood 11.497 11.497 11.497 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 23.548 23.548 23.548 Bark, root and butt rot 41.38944 37.6712 48.2625 Vegetative shoots - needles 23.5989 18.705 28.4928 Vegetative shoots - stem 37.9445 37.9445 37.9445 Vegetative shoots 37.5312 25.4121 49.6503 Girdled twig - stem 48.8698 48.8698 48.8698 Dried twig - needles 70.4151 70.4151 70.4151 Girdled twig - needles 33.1918 33.1918 33.1918 Needles 28.321716666666667 18.5347 37.9665 Needles - dawn 41.4367 41.4367 41.4367 Needles - later afternoon 32.9141 32.9141 32.9141 Needles - midday 34.7073 34.7073 34.7073 Needles - night 35.8138 35.8138 35.8138 Light, 1 hour 100.97073333333333 83.4016 118.675 Light, 3 hours 95.37523333333333 80.0039 109.562 Light, 5 hours 106.06983333333334 92.2557 130.185 Light, 7 hours 126.342 109.405 143.703 Light, 9 hours 100.0808 84.1704 109.225 Light, 13 hours 97.1343 63.2449 115.498 Light, 15 hours 98.99266666666666 63.149 128.766 Darkness, 1 hour 121.57253333333334 88.3666 140.454 Darkness, 3 hours 115.75133333333333 111.284 124.459 Darkness, 5 hours 94.59153333333335 68.7403 142.068 Darkness, 7 hours 120.12233333333333 111.218 126.8 Darkness, 11 hours 87.1529 62.8786 124.194 Vegetative buds 33.291466666666665 32.1727 34.4781 Female buds 31.502299999999998 18.1409 41.3544 Male buds 32.3885 30.2095 34.2507 Buds 48.5167 46.8253 50.2081 Pineapple galls 28.404 28.404 28.404 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 50.12382222222222 44.0579 55.9016 Somatic germinants - normal type 46.23488 36.0291 60.6931 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 81.95436666666667 74.9665 87.4068 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 98.21273333333333 95.637 100.629 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 71.93653333333333 69.7211 74.6469 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 84.75056666666667 80.1002 88.6262 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 55.278333333333336 53.0658 57.3754 Cell culture - solid medium 67.81523333333334 67.0917 68.9808 Somatic embryogenic cell line 71.24286666666667 30.4651 87.9706