condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	47.514415	5.76995	109.226
Ovule	23.234296153846152	15.2091	31.4849
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	42.95373333333333	39.7239	46.6261
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	43.58156666666667	37.2385	49.379
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	28.073066666666666	19.7533	32.5181
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	8.02001	5.89632	10.0018
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	34.7842	28.882	39.498
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	0.2164	0.150403	0.320141
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	0.283169	0.2462	0.31597
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.20924156000000002	0.0212986	0.549015
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	0.3254784333333333	0.0134021	0.944441
Sperm	0.047985349999999996	0.0193472	0.0707178
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.015934566666666667	0.0	0.0367881
Flower (receptacles)	18.114462500000002	17.122	19.1984
Flower (floral buds)	12.1017	12.1017	12.1017
Flower (sepals)	8.8333225	8.30941	9.33154
Flower (petals)	7.21965	7.09702	7.34228
Flower (stamen filaments)	8.921285000000001	8.37243	9.47014
Flower (anthers)	12.53336	1.03169	35.9542
Flower (carpels)	21.838307142857143	16.4431	24.7409
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	10.44343	9.26436	11.6225
Pedicel	14.13435	14.0916	14.1771
Axis of the inflorescence	25.435200000000002	23.5707	27.2997
Silique	12.124603333333333	9.22341	15.8754
Silique (senescent)	17.29985	15.8994	18.7003
Pods of siliques	9.96277	7.62114	12.685
Pods of siliques (senescent)	6.693910000000001	6.65603	6.73179
Embryo	55.026	55.026	55.026
Endosperm	41.13665	20.9891	55.3914
Seed	17.028475	16.1435	19.0557
Seed (young)	23.9347	18.9556	31.7334
Seed (germinating)	17.781683333333334	10.6217	24.0866
Seedling	10.24151	7.96857	14.7421
Seedling (etiolated)	9.226448333333334	7.99376	11.6785
Meristem	25.241116666666667	10.7922	37.6342
Stem (internode)	11.67	11.4423	11.8977
Stem (internode, senescent)	20.83175	20.6058	21.0577
Stems	16.34212573529412	4.61556	28.2701
Leaf (rosette)	7.813743571428572	5.63457	9.8605
Epidermis cells	1.954055	1.89142	2.01669
Mature guard cells	12.523733	0.497866	24.5496
Root (differentiation zone)	8.48586	8.48586	8.48586
Root (elongation zone)	12.261665	7.59993	16.9234
Root (meristematic zone)	38.6147	38.6147	38.6147
Root (apex)	21.5544	18.853	24.2558
Root (stele)	5.59294	5.59294	5.59294
Root (QC cells)	3.50924063	0.0	41.9961
Root (tip)	28.512866666666667	19.5826	33.6184