condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	61.1946	61.1946	61.1946
Immature male cones	19.882	19.882	19.882
Cambium and expanding xylem	16.3054	16.3054	16.3054
Cambium	27.908233333333335	13.1349	48.6145
Expanding xylem	16.453025	14.2311	17.7949
Expanding and mature xylem	11.05719	4.96367	16.483
Maturing xylem	6.70104	6.70104	6.70104
Wood	55.9548	50.8904	61.0192
Bark	43.95017428571428	28.4833	61.3016
Bark, healthy	37.97586	20.5867	43.0033
S1 xylem tracheids	27.873775000000002	24.6736	31.8568
S1 whole sections	29.311799999999998	26.8318	32.4541
S2 ray cells	31.801575	28.4371	40.943
S2 xylem tracheids	32.4658	30.9008	35.0586
S2 whole sections	23.33395	20.0447	27.7434
Dead late wood	8.78847	8.78847	8.78847
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	20.9452	20.9452	20.9452
Bark, root and butt rot	26.01086	20.4286	36.8376
Vegetative shoots - needles	16.4017	15.8986	16.9048
Vegetative shoots - stem	53.7674	53.7674	53.7674
Vegetative shoots	27.80565	19.8904	35.7209
Girdled twig - stem	35.693	35.693	35.693
Dried twig - needles	27.3585	27.3585	27.3585
Girdled twig - needles	18.3616	18.3616	18.3616
Needles	22.087981666666668	7.92247	40.7769
Needles - dawn	16.0778	16.0778	16.0778
Needles - later afternoon	21.495	21.495	21.495
Needles - midday	18.6665	18.6665	18.6665
Needles - night	22.605	22.605	22.605
Light, 1 hour	23.263316666666668	14.5392	40.9012
Light, 3 hours	20.8467	18.6128	22.3981
Light, 5 hours	23.598133333333333	13.8789	31.5844
Light, 7 hours	20.509933333333333	17.7967	22.3429
Light, 9 hours	20.1166	17.7169	24.012
Light, 13 hours	20.2168	16.8487	23.0661
Light, 15 hours	30.763566666666666	23.1628	37.7008
Darkness, 1 hour	18.7726	14.5122	23.0399
Darkness, 3 hours	17.310833333333335	14.5386	18.7698
Darkness, 5 hours	21.101666666666667	18.6327	23.7561
Darkness, 7 hours	20.0574	15.6631	26.8431
Darkness, 11 hours	13.941133333333333	10.3419	18.2824
Vegetative buds	57.514500000000005	46.3004	72.7609
Female buds	53.50953333333333	28.4739	66.9875
Male buds	33.543933333333335	26.0552	43.5978
Buds	45.69795	42.5164	48.8795
Pineapple galls	36.7003	36.7003	36.7003
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	31.420022222222222	23.5336	40.6275
Somatic germinants - normal type	27.74788	16.1794	36.1075
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	51.43423333333333	49.3093	54.1051
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	53.4997	52.3407	54.7495
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	60.58303333333333	51.0764	71.1577
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	57.1184	47.718	68.5975
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	39.842533333333336	35.1364	45.9396
Cell culture - solid medium	67.45983333333334	61.2788	75.33
Somatic embryogenic cell line	51.75072222222222	29.7394	67.6068