condition mean min max Immature female cone 20.0855 20.0855 20.0855 Immature male cones 16.0245 16.0245 16.0245 Cambium and expanding xylem 0.188314 0.188314 0.188314 Cambium 0.067366 0.0 0.202098 Expanding xylem 0.4832425 0.0 1.46181 Expanding and mature xylem 0.04983975 0.0 0.199359 Maturing xylem 0.0 0.0 0.0 Wood 14.03925 13.9554 14.1231 Bark 15.757774285714286 6.40432 31.4232 Bark, healthy 13.48554 11.7613 16.6432 S1 xylem tracheids 6.706615 4.90131 9.24116 S1 whole sections 6.3141774999999996 4.24137 7.82901 S2 ray cells 13.863125 11.8385 16.872 S2 xylem tracheids 13.901019999999999 9.79348 17.0358 S2 whole sections 5.092295 3.4671 7.09996 Dead late wood 0.0 0.0 0.0 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 0.330212 0.330212 0.330212 Bark, root and butt rot 16.20236 12.3262 23.8555 Vegetative shoots - needles 68.74215000000001 64.7787 72.7056 Vegetative shoots - stem 19.9796 19.9796 19.9796 Vegetative shoots 59.69735 43.4249 75.9698 Girdled twig - stem 13.061 13.061 13.061 Dried twig - needles 46.4353 46.4353 46.4353 Girdled twig - needles 85.2178 85.2178 85.2178 Needles 75.18767777777778 15.7965 123.216 Needles - dawn 62.576 62.576 62.576 Needles - later afternoon 113.635 113.635 113.635 Needles - midday 102.285 102.285 102.285 Needles - night 112.595 112.595 112.595 Light, 1 hour 53.815133333333335 35.801 88.7985 Light, 3 hours 42.10006666666666 37.5582 46.7771 Light, 5 hours 59.93356666666667 46.7642 81.9141 Light, 7 hours 40.198933333333336 33.5238 50.3181 Light, 9 hours 57.035266666666665 32.5513 94.4056 Light, 13 hours 55.47136666666667 45.2007 66.4603 Light, 15 hours 53.3229 38.0721 61.675 Darkness, 1 hour 52.70936666666667 42.3873 63.5526 Darkness, 3 hours 50.07123333333333 31.8887 81.329 Darkness, 5 hours 54.711 38.4265 68.816 Darkness, 7 hours 41.9043 24.7499 57.2838 Darkness, 11 hours 38.302 28.419 44.8777 Vegetative buds 18.5682 15.0503 23.8411 Female buds 16.759063333333334 9.64129 22.9057 Male buds 12.69245 7.65801 22.0523 Buds 14.22405 12.0486 16.3995 Pineapple galls 47.744 47.744 47.744 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 16.70960388888889 7.93777 22.9813 Somatic germinants - normal type 19.285377 8.78324 30.0998 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 27.8463 24.9802 32.4887 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 26.8022 26.1917 27.3356 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 39.88413333333333 37.4015 44.0604 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 28.840466666666668 23.6228 34.236 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 35.22143333333334 28.3987 39.149 Cell culture - solid medium 40.72246666666667 38.0127 44.5357 Somatic embryogenic cell line 9.27772 4.10251 12.9222