condition mean min max Immature female cone 32.4817 32.4817 32.4817 Immature male cones 43.5676 43.5676 43.5676 Cambium and expanding xylem 23.8054 23.8054 23.8054 Cambium 40.90173333333333 34.2838 52.427 Expanding xylem 18.8697 15.3584 22.546 Expanding and mature xylem 21.806775000000002 18.1213 28.5084 Maturing xylem 16.5411 16.5411 16.5411 Wood 35.55415 32.178 38.9303 Bark 26.43044857142857 18.3013 35.6736 Bark, healthy 6.817074 6.05058 8.16743 S1 xylem tracheids 15.282475 13.1705 17.0038 S1 whole sections 14.102375 13.3673 14.6015 S2 ray cells 24.2224 23.4873 25.3446 S2 xylem tracheids 20.81355 19.9905 22.0365 S2 whole sections 16.080575 14.6196 17.2757 Dead late wood 23.9799 23.9799 23.9799 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 21.8259 21.8259 21.8259 Bark, root and butt rot 9.1401 7.57691 12.0894 Vegetative shoots - needles 38.15035 35.5365 40.7642 Vegetative shoots - stem 32.8492 32.8492 32.8492 Vegetative shoots 39.277249999999995 34.5291 44.0254 Girdled twig - stem 33.6219 33.6219 33.6219 Dried twig - needles 25.5012 25.5012 25.5012 Girdled twig - needles 41.1252 41.1252 41.1252 Needles 26.670527777777778 17.3239 36.4968 Needles - dawn 49.5128 49.5128 49.5128 Needles - later afternoon 36.3038 36.3038 36.3038 Needles - midday 31.5501 31.5501 31.5501 Needles - night 42.1931 42.1931 42.1931 Light, 1 hour 28.64685 25.0325 30.7728 Light, 3 hours 24.885666666666665 23.7934 25.7679 Light, 5 hours 25.671433333333333 23.9176 27.6669 Light, 7 hours 26.7967 22.5947 30.3258 Light, 9 hours 28.5817 26.3554 29.9876 Light, 13 hours 32.0284 28.6589 33.8458 Light, 15 hours 31.7532 28.855 34.9447 Darkness, 1 hour 24.1621 23.1284 25.9612 Darkness, 3 hours 27.903766666666666 24.2462 31.3398 Darkness, 5 hours 25.054033333333333 21.2742 29.9037 Darkness, 7 hours 31.91013333333333 31.4517 32.3445 Darkness, 11 hours 25.188166666666667 15.231 34.4514 Vegetative buds 18.565633333333334 17.0856 19.7 Female buds 13.756423333333332 7.83447 17.3643 Male buds 23.7097 21.0378 28.1138 Buds 35.22955 34.9113 35.5478 Pineapple galls 32.0137 32.0137 32.0137 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 22.129766666666665 17.6232 26.5037 Somatic germinants - normal type 23.024135 19.3466 27.759 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 18.895866666666667 17.6705 19.6556 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 24.549666666666667 22.9905 25.8333 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 25.690266666666666 25.2842 25.995 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 18.935566666666666 17.873 19.852 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 16.98956666666667 16.0822 17.5975 Cell culture - solid medium 23.936333333333334 22.574 24.8476 Somatic embryogenic cell line 29.606844444444445 14.297 34.43