condition	mean	min	max
Immature female cone	60.1769	60.1769	60.1769
Immature male cones	13.6023	13.6023	13.6023
Cambium and expanding xylem	142.426	142.426	142.426
Cambium	202.53566666666666	148.957	259.945
Expanding xylem	220.32075	125.151	271.219
Expanding and mature xylem	274.82125	53.045	497.571
Maturing xylem	494.059	494.059	494.059
Wood	119.95025	60.3125	179.588
Bark	310.79422857142856	218.442	421.207
Bark, healthy	122.28494	83.3797	149.851
S1 xylem tracheids	44.248599999999996	30.5087	60.9347
S1 whole sections	57.805875	31.1643	74.4955
S2 ray cells	116.65775	106.05	125.278
S2 xylem tracheids	53.17335	40.8371	70.8087
S2 whole sections	48.045725000000004	36.5981	61.9299
Dead late wood	603.275	603.275	603.275
Phloem and cambium	0.0	0.0	0.0
Dear early and late wood	679.862	679.862	679.862
Bark, root and butt rot	127.19668	50.0833	282.588
Vegetative shoots - needles	102.34135	99.5247	105.158
Vegetative shoots - stem	91.0108	91.0108	91.0108
Vegetative shoots	29.177300000000002	22.6388	35.7158
Girdled twig - stem	108.191	108.191	108.191
Dried twig - needles	109.84	109.84	109.84
Girdled twig - needles	39.011	39.011	39.011
Needles	111.96208333333333	32.7381	274.727
Needles - dawn	134.196	134.196	134.196
Needles - later afternoon	39.0654	39.0654	39.0654
Needles - midday	97.7066	97.7066	97.7066
Needles - night	83.0738	83.0738	83.0738
Light, 1 hour	48.930483333333335	15.1692	72.0761
Light, 3 hours	37.67073333333333	25.3419	49.4308
Light, 5 hours	38.49816666666666	29.2915	50.5594
Light, 7 hours	42.464733333333335	37.5867	46.0994
Light, 9 hours	38.7553	35.0952	45.9618
Light, 13 hours	35.80393333333333	22.099	49.4319
Light, 15 hours	41.39683333333333	34.7068	49.6801
Darkness, 1 hour	61.183366666666664	29.3682	91.7824
Darkness, 3 hours	46.61793333333334	27.809	67.0036
Darkness, 5 hours	31.2198	25.9201	36.824
Darkness, 7 hours	63.975966666666665	45.2866	77.2522
Darkness, 11 hours	32.9132	23.9794	43.1094
Vegetative buds	194.785	192.483	196.74
Female buds	99.152	59.4153	148.95
Male buds	394.93666666666667	353.831	470.453
Buds	83.07884999999999	72.3521	93.8056
Pineapple galls	69.9218	69.9218	69.9218
Somatic germinants - abnormal type	148.86121111111112	88.8598	196.276
Somatic germinants - normal type	200.413465	85.7743	326.997
Cell culture - H20 - 5 days	49.2084	40.2392	56.4495
Cell culture - KI added - 5 days	71.6361	67.0197	79.6562
Cell culture - KI added - 20 days	68.73696666666666	56.3581	82.7918
Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days	64.71276666666667	52.2408	81.2065
Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days	48.70296666666667	43.2387	51.4372
Cell culture - solid medium	71.7938	64.8713	75.7193
Somatic embryogenic cell line	110.15446666666666	52.8625	163.439