condition mean min max Immature female cone 14.5464 14.5464 14.5464 Immature male cones 18.8225 18.8225 18.8225 Cambium and expanding xylem 13.1686 13.1686 13.1686 Cambium 25.4429 15.5985 41.1989 Expanding xylem 6.7942625 5.08651 9.25802 Expanding and mature xylem 5.4033825 3.0989 7.0579 Maturing xylem 2.17894 2.17894 2.17894 Wood 17.686700000000002 13.2869 22.0865 Bark 26.19429142857143 16.8628 38.7986 Bark, healthy 17.40924 16.3677 18.1749 S1 xylem tracheids 1.8846275000000001 1.03727 2.48788 S1 whole sections 14.0808 10.9973 15.5403 S2 ray cells 26.748925 21.8658 31.6118 S2 xylem tracheids 20.87045 18.1685 23.512 S2 whole sections 18.9448 16.7356 21.2979 Dead late wood 4.96649 4.96649 4.96649 Phloem and cambium 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dear early and late wood 9.85919 9.85919 9.85919 Bark, root and butt rot 16.13528 11.2385 18.9736 Vegetative shoots - needles 6.15099 6.0984 6.20358 Vegetative shoots - stem 10.2699 10.2699 10.2699 Vegetative shoots 15.701324999999999 8.60785 22.7948 Girdled twig - stem 12.6079 12.6079 12.6079 Dried twig - needles 9.18879 9.18879 9.18879 Girdled twig - needles 5.34092 5.34092 5.34092 Needles 18.295368888888888 3.09133 29.4118 Needles - dawn 8.31606 8.31606 8.31606 Needles - later afternoon 3.78782 3.78782 3.78782 Needles - midday 5.06149 5.06149 5.06149 Needles - night 6.05582 6.05582 6.05582 Light, 1 hour 11.789185 6.85506 15.5045 Light, 3 hours 11.115516666666666 7.26265 13.5703 Light, 5 hours 11.2952 10.3139 12.3241 Light, 7 hours 11.866373333333334 6.94422 15.2567 Light, 9 hours 10.351356666666666 9.62267 10.7815 Light, 13 hours 12.997746666666666 9.86704 16.5411 Light, 15 hours 11.11086 7.35538 13.7492 Darkness, 1 hour 10.24012 8.37716 11.5327 Darkness, 3 hours 9.847013333333333 7.14084 11.5271 Darkness, 5 hours 10.2087 9.5217 11.0403 Darkness, 7 hours 15.175866666666666 12.2569 17.4358 Darkness, 11 hours 10.495166666666666 5.11151 16.7944 Vegetative buds 24.232733333333332 18.1882 27.9033 Female buds 18.480566666666668 12.1205 22.4967 Male buds 27.927066666666665 19.9344 38.1189 Buds 14.16915 12.8853 15.453 Pineapple galls 10.7403 10.7403 10.7403 Somatic germinants - abnormal type 21.734922222222224 18.2262 27.0309 Somatic germinants - normal type 21.68502 15.6741 25.6295 Cell culture - H20 - 5 days 25.4915 20.3833 28.2172 Cell culture - KI added - 5 days 31.6609 30.1707 34.2372 Cell culture - KI added - 20 days 29.363599999999998 27.7656 30.3184 Cell culture - KI removed - 4 days 24.267266666666668 20.3917 27.9388 Cell culture - KI removed - 12 days 20.351333333333333 19.4557 21.7362 Cell culture - solid medium 28.099500000000003 23.23 35.6407 Somatic embryogenic cell line 27.092933333333335 13.3234 34.9941