condition mean min max Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1 35.0647 29.0725 43.2164 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3 33.575633333333336 31.1971 37.4842 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5 32.8615 29.7196 35.3791 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7 33.8938 33.5332 34.0983 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9 38.44533333333333 35.2748 42.7358 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11 33.0842 31.05 37.1469 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1 36.2084 28.6709 43.1117 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3 32.19436666666667 25.0557 38.0435 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5 35.07386666666667 31.6909 39.5826 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7 36.55693333333333 30.1919 47.6461 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9 32.8621 31.5684 34.4473 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11 28.7854 27.516 30.2401 Roots 31.768349999999998 30.2411 33.2956 Root elongation and differentiation zone 27.8162 25.2183 31.3751 Root meristematic zone 33.2599 28.6494 37.2377 Aerial roots and rhizophores 38.612750000000005 35.4328 41.7927 Shoot tips 24.9887 24.7767 25.2007 Microphyll 19.06305 15.7384 22.3877 Strobili 33.8058 32.7161 34.8955 Shoot apical meristem - AC 13.459533333333333 2.7178 24.3615 Shoot apical meristem - Core 15.09765 13.715 16.4803 Shoot apical meristem - P1 35.99915 26.3339 45.6644 Stem - Top 27.591450000000002 27.4496 27.7333 Stem - Bottom 29.521749999999997 27.8178 31.2257 Whole plant 51.5614 49.3761 53.7467 Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark 87.30095 82.9283 91.6736 Aerial tissue - Stress - High light 90.7517 90.35 91.1534 Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont 97.5708 97.5708 97.5708 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h 26.7258 26.6236 26.828 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h 27.854100000000003 27.6143 28.0939 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h 18.3943 18.3176 18.471 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h 16.4242 16.3255 16.5229