condition	mean	min	max
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1	5.727485	3.11641	7.62437
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3	6.370113333333333	4.97899	8.41135
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5	4.13025	1.00595	7.27586
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7	7.297586666666667	4.99592	9.31382
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9	5.41328	3.99474	6.28817
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11	5.9331966666666665	4.80455	7.74693
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1	7.385796666666667	6.32447	8.2906
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3	9.659659999999999	6.07771	15.5796
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5	9.088833333333334	8.3751	10.2427
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7	4.790495663333333	6.99e-06	8.61603
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9	6.818413333333334	4.7855	9.33472
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11	6.379503333333333	3.88992	7.70832
Roots	2.11974	1.56917	2.67031
Root elongation and differentiation zone	1.6886539999999999	0.621872	2.98167
Root meristematic zone	8.118696666666667	7.11952	9.60248
Aerial roots and rhizophores	1.786675	1.17516	2.39819
Shoot tips	2.90243	2.65443	3.15043
Microphyll	0.0928795	0.0	0.185759
Strobili	2.21594	1.2044	3.22748
Shoot apical meristem - AC	4.9906559999999995	0.519798	8.48787
Shoot apical meristem - Core	2.400779	0.477278	4.32428
Shoot apical meristem - P1	13.430019999999999	5.02154	21.8385
Stem - Top	3.22493	3.12101	3.32885
Stem - Bottom	3.242295	2.61812	3.86647
Whole plant	7.346975	6.66249	8.03146
Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark	5.987819999999999	5.27218	6.70346
Aerial tissue - Stress - High light	3.58335	1.56422	5.60248
Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont	4.13957	4.13957	4.13957
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h	1.830415	1.03365	2.62718
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h	2.59031	2.24573	2.93489
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h	1.39763	1.23566	1.5596
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h	1.2034775	0.982515	1.42444