condition	mean	min	max
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1	21.468966666666667	19.5868	23.3628
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3	22.663566666666664	22.0597	23.6575
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5	20.255733333333335	18.1734	22.2904
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7	21.68573333333333	19.0662	23.0139
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9	20.488233333333334	19.0289	21.7786
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11	21.192966666666667	19.3913	23.8377
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1	20.9316	17.9142	22.7291
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3	21.6581	20.6169	23.0844
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5	21.778166666666667	19.9098	23.6802
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7	25.841233333333335	23.617	28.4178
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9	21.802333333333333	21.164	22.276
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11	22.149366666666666	21.8934	22.4612
Roots	23.375300000000003	23.3245	23.4261
Root elongation and differentiation zone	24.411366666666666	22.997	25.564
Root meristematic zone	23.450266666666668	19.8304	27.0174
Aerial roots and rhizophores	21.7488	21.453	22.0446
Shoot tips	12.66615	12.5372	12.7951
Microphyll	13.52815	13.0633	13.993
Strobili	19.22235	17.8026	20.6421
Shoot apical meristem - AC	36.8406	10.2842	68.8922
Shoot apical meristem - Core	47.1171	22.0278	72.2064
Shoot apical meristem - P1	13.28305	1.6357	24.9304
Stem - Top	16.8094	14.9882	18.6306
Stem - Bottom	17.80695	17.6744	17.9395
Whole plant	30.291800000000002	18.3642	42.2194
Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark	9.202555	8.71738	9.68773
Aerial tissue - Stress - High light	8.27662	8.27371	8.27953
Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont	7.88078	7.88078	7.88078
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h	13.9289	13.5829	14.2749
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h	14.4841	13.3711	15.5971
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h	16.981	16.9569	17.0051
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h	19.59095	19.1539	20.028