condition	mean	min	max
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1	17.718283333333332	14.9444	21.0209
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3	25.8071	22.7702	27.4873
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5	31.203200000000002	30.3122	31.8057
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7	35.61396666666667	33.6571	36.6115
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9	48.882933333333334	47.2154	51.2747
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11	49.31636666666667	46.3834	51.6431
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1	49.50246666666667	43.9908	53.1689
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3	28.443833333333334	26.4385	29.9959
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5	20.672833333333333	18.7655	22.803
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7	16.865333333333332	14.7531	18.0274
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9	15.145766666666667	12.8599	16.6318
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11	14.533666666666667	13.3765	15.7138
Roots	27.05585	25.1117	29.0
Root elongation and differentiation zone	10.890363333333333	8.70472	14.6037
Root meristematic zone	143.68833333333333	108.54	166.632
Aerial roots and rhizophores	27.47665	26.3464	28.6069
Shoot tips	32.07505	27.7161	36.434
Microphyll	24.41995	21.0051	27.8348
Strobili	41.7872	29.9741	53.6003
Shoot apical meristem - AC	78.36153333333334	30.335	130.127
Shoot apical meristem - Core	4.448235	2.28325	6.61322
Shoot apical meristem - P1	38.598150000000004	23.4499	53.7464
Stem - Top	27.66825	26.8518	28.4847
Stem - Bottom	34.65075	33.9197	35.3818
Whole plant	71.58924999999999	66.9336	76.2449
Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark	28.4657	28.465	28.4664
Aerial tissue - Stress - High light	58.9273	56.6257	61.2289
Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont	65.0456	65.0456	65.0456
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h	19.8269	19.1577	20.4961
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h	25.865450000000003	25.0482	26.6827
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h	13.3906	12.7111	14.0701
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h	13.48715	12.7946	14.1797