condition mean min max Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1 129.04646666666667 99.9978 143.226 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3 114.2852 89.3116 152.935 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5 119.93299999999999 112.115 126.965 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7 106.47763333333333 87.0705 135.359 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9 85.6981 72.7745 98.2875 Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11 76.37693333333334 67.9625 83.3359 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1 138.62666666666667 127.55 154.289 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3 229.33966666666666 209.72 261.347 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5 220.68133333333333 192.575 241.797 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7 239.63533333333334 230.323 244.587 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9 247.588 228.555 272.751 Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11 228.3 195.128 266.922 Roots 45.712450000000004 41.7977 49.6272 Root elongation and differentiation zone 25.5139 20.9607 34.0523 Root meristematic zone 8.266823333333333 6.82887 10.7623 Aerial roots and rhizophores 38.56935 16.2895 60.8492 Shoot tips 78.39760000000001 75.2762 81.519 Microphyll 43.9886 10.5578 77.4194 Strobili 47.559349999999995 30.9254 64.1933 Shoot apical meristem - AC 5.415483333333333 0.0 13.5839 Shoot apical meristem - Core 31.0201 14.0149 48.0253 Shoot apical meristem - P1 6.83996 5.87056 7.80936 Stem - Top 58.67845 55.5449 61.812 Stem - Bottom 45.8504 45.5018 46.199 Whole plant 73.5698 65.6401 81.4995 Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark 67.8263 64.1057 71.5469 Aerial tissue - Stress - High light 68.0029 60.2353 75.7705 Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont 63.9713 63.9713 63.9713 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h 121.3565 112.608 130.105 Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h 105.9145 103.667 108.162 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h 97.3261 89.8122 104.84 Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h 109.25865 97.6503 120.867