condition	mean	min	max
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT1	4.771848333333333	1.89733	7.65145
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT3	3.77517	3.4082	4.17705
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT5	5.01612	4.10965	6.01129
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT7	6.4483266666666665	5.94523	7.09179
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT9	6.800366666666667	5.06935	8.83487
Aerial tissue - Light - ZT11	4.995363333333334	3.67807	5.89345
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT1	5.653616666666667	4.14552	6.77508
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT3	4.868186666666666	1.43038	7.13566
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT5	5.322813333333333	2.959	6.85128
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT7	5.284966666666667	3.1856	7.89394
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT9	4.40573	2.32342	5.58944
Aerial tissue - Dark - ZT11	5.7967900000000006	3.70981	9.87264
Roots	1.99183	1.7085	2.27516
Root elongation and differentiation zone	2.8110866666666667	2.36366	3.38121
Root meristematic zone	9.669013333333334	7.55843	13.2088
Aerial roots and rhizophores	1.706005	1.55698	1.85503
Shoot tips	2.671095	2.52737	2.81482
Microphyll	0.0	0.0	0.0
Strobili	2.101235	1.20402	2.99845
Shoot apical meristem - AC	20.043363333333332	1.11049	42.8919
Shoot apical meristem - Core	14.48076	5.01412	23.9474
Shoot apical meristem - P1	24.692835	7.47327	41.9124
Stem - Top	3.027725	2.7092	3.34625
Stem - Bottom	3.16956	3.08497	3.25415
Whole plant	11.72197	8.32534	15.1186
Aerial tissue - Stress - Dark	5.51121	4.71732	6.3051
Aerial tissue - Stress - High light	5.77541	4.50465	7.04617
Aerial tissue - Stress - Cont	7.07341	7.07341	7.07341
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 1h	1.8425600000000002	1.46832	2.2168
Aerial tissue - Stress - 37C 3h	2.417755	2.09587	2.73964
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 1h	1.89458	1.6478	2.14136
Aerial tissue - Stress - 4C 3h	1.3493935	0.900837	1.79795